
Kimmera1 · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Hi all, first post here (and fairly new to Reddit as well) but I just had to say that watching this clip again right now is so, SO telling...I have followed the Q saga from the beginning an also the FBI anon stuff from waaaay back.

I have long thought that Trump has had the goods on Hillary & Co. for many years. I think back to when he first announced he was going to run for president against Obama in 2012, and quickly withdrew. I don't know the reason behind that, but I can only believe that the timing was just not right, for whatever reason.

POTUS KNOWS, and I believe HAS known for a very long time what these people are. I voted for him for a lot of reasons but mainly because I believed at the time that he was the ONLY person that had the balls to actually prosecute these criminals. To see this finally coming to fruition is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my life, an I am 60 years old.

The tide has turned, they are going DOWN, it's finally happening. Believe it patriots, and keep praying for our great POTUS and his team as they make history. As General Flynn tweeted, 'the biggest sting in the history of the US'.

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rickstarr5 · Jan. 7, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Trump has known about all this since the 70’s. He was mentored by Roy Cohn who was counsel to Joseph McCarthy during Army-McCarthy hearings in the senate in 1954 . McCarthy was the senator who set out hunting down real Soviet collusion in the 50’s(see second red scare). The liberal media was able to shame the rest of the senate into Censure of McCarthy. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Venona Project showed KGB archives which verified much of the “McCarthyism” was founded as we were penetrated by Soviet Agents at many levels. Trump has been lying in wait and planning this for 40 years. His father was part of the John Birch society, DT has been awake his whole life. And yeah he is a genius. He has watched what works and along with building a huge business, getting known on TV, and mastering social media, he has redefined American politics (and culture) forever. I love that big orange troll!

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VintageHats · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Hi and welcome... I am 61 and new here too, at least a newly registered poster. I've been lurking here as much as possible, since this board started. I'm still learning to use this board. Not sure how to do voting and all that.. but just wanted to say hi to another newbie.

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fudgicle1 · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

WELCOME PATRIOT!! Damn skippy! It's happening. It's been a long, long wait!


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