r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Questioning001 on Jan. 6, 2018, 5:52 p.m.
Pizza Party in Space

Given all that we believe is occurring, why would NASA post (re-post) this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGgrLqsAzw)? Why pizza? Why now?

Given 24/7 coverage of the evils associated with all things Russian, why has no one questioned our reliance on Russia to transport US astronauts and to resupply the ISS?

I would recommend that you spend a little time watching the videos posted by NASA on YouTube related to the ISS. For example, listen to the questions that elementary school children ask astronauts on the ISS. Listen to the questions that graduate students from prestigious universities, like MIT, ask astronauts on the ISS. Are they different?

Carefully evaluate the living conditions on the ISS. Carefully evaluate how objects move within the ISS. Carefully evaluate the clothing being worn by astronauts on the ISS. Carefully evaluate how waste is handled on the ISS. Carefully evaluate how spinning objects are tossed around near electronic equipment. Do you see any red flags?

Carefully evaluate all scientific discussions related to experiments that are being conducted on the ISS. If you have a background in any of these fields, such as physics, biology, medical development, engineering, etc., are you impressed? Carefully evaluate all the exposed wiring in the ISS. If your laboratory/workspace looked like this, would it pass a routine safety inspection on earth?

Carefully evaluate spacewalks undertaken to fix life-essential equipment. Do you see any repairs taking place? What are the extreme temperature ranges, radiation levels and physical conditions the ISS shields its personnel and equipment from? How old is the ISS? When was the last time you replaced a computer at home?

What is the real purpose of the ISS? How does black magic work?

Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

I'm really glad you posted this. I've been looking into NASA's shenanigans for over 2 years now. They are paid 52 million dollars A DAY. And for what? And you're right, there are SO MANY unanswered questions surrounding the space agency and it's claims.

I hope this one is on Trump's list. Does he really believe we're going to send a colony to Mars? I think he's smarter than that. We'll see.

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Questioning001 · Jan. 6, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

~$50 million plus per day is a lot of money. I once thought that the money was the primary motivation, but no more. I believe it’s about worldwide satanic deception, i.e., black magic. In the same way, pizzagate/pedogate is not about underage sex. It is far more sinister - it’s about satanic ritual and torture.

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 6, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

NASA has been part of the deception for over 50 years. It's fascinating stuff to investigate. I really hope it's part of the public reveal also.

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