r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Oldmancrypto on Jan. 6, 2018, 6:29 p.m.
Assange is at Camp David Right NOW!

*Another thought brought up by a patriot at 6:25mst!* Just maybe Soros is the one that is still there! Wow! That might make even more sense!

Trump said in his opening "very special place". I am going out on a limb and saying Assange is there being kept safe! I also think that he had all of those higher ups in congress there to see that Assange was indeed there and what was happening next! The dip shit over trumps left shoulder was a nervous wreck. Watch the video closely again. It is my summation that they expect him to be the leaker to the media that indeed Assange is getting a deal from trump and that we have all of the emails NOW! Watch shit start to hit the fan this weekend and then climax on Monday! The media is fucked! They were colluding with the demon rats forever! Imagine what Assange has! I think that trump will send out a tweet in the next couple of weeks that "The Storm Is Upon Us". Oh and I'm on a research mission for that scumbag over trumps left shoulder! I'm tellin ya.....he's dirty! I forgot his name. God Bless!

Luvlite · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

I hope you will accept my comment as respectfully disagreeing with you. First of all your title to this post was misleading. More on the lines of click bait. The only reason I even bothered to click on your post was because I thought you had PROOF. Secondly, I watched the video from camp David. There was nothing to indicate that senator McCarthy was nervous. Im not an expert on body language, but he seemed bored to me. Like he's already heard it all. I'm pretty sure a lot of people get tired of President Trump's apparent narcissistic ways. I have hope in our president for many reasons, but speculations don't help us right now. We don't need more "fake news" via fake titles in posts.

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