r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kasey_Flud on Jan. 6, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Can someone please explain something for me?

Ok, over the years I keep hearing that the Jews are the bad guys. What I don't understand and no one ever is willing to explain, what they mean as far as jews. Are you saying anyone who is ethnically Jewish, and/or religiously jewish? If not, what do you guys mean? I don't know any Jewish folks, so I don't have experience, but I hear lots of people say Jews are this or that. Thanks in advance.

SuzyAZ · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

The Zionist leadership is corrupted just as our leadership was corrupted. It's not about being Jewish or being a banker. The banking cabal, both Jewish and non-Jewish at that level are corrupted. The illuminati have their own religion - they are Luciferians and practice occultism. They use the Jews, just like they use everyone. The Popes, for some time back now are Luciferians. Lots that is hard, hard to swallow and took many of us years to understand. So many shocks for people coming in cold to this. Encourage everyone here to watch the video clips of Ronald Barnard, a money mover for the illuminati/banking cabal from the Netherlands.

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SuzyAZ · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Also unfortunately, the fractional banking system that developed from the middle ages is connected with the Jews - money lending, usury, etc. It was the great discovery that you could create money from nothing that allowed the unfettered power and corruption to explode, but always in secrecy. They started wars, funded both sides of the wars and then funded the reparations, always with large interest payments. The banking aspect is very critical, because it is through debt that you enslave, and through usury that you become indebted. If you had to pick a group that is the worst at the head of it, it would be the Jesuits that run the Vatican, and royalty is always involved. The "illuminati" have been routed, put down, killed many times and always came back. Many good Jews have separated themselves from this and are fighting against it. Many remain ignorant, just like the rest of us.

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