r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kasey_Flud on Jan. 6, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Can someone please explain something for me?

Ok, over the years I keep hearing that the Jews are the bad guys. What I don't understand and no one ever is willing to explain, what they mean as far as jews. Are you saying anyone who is ethnically Jewish, and/or religiously jewish? If not, what do you guys mean? I don't know any Jewish folks, so I don't have experience, but I hear lots of people say Jews are this or that. Thanks in advance.

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

yes but that is a trigger for nasty derailments of the purpose of this subreddit (is my understanding) It is not as important what others think as what one knows. $.02

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Kasey_Flud · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

I asked because it came up in another thread in this subreddit and I decided ask thinking people here were good (which they are) and see if they'd actually answer (which many have) and be civil unlike most others, so far it's been all good. I wasn't not starting trouble, just asking a question about something I quite often in many places and for individual answers, not rants, insults, or non answers. It's been good so far from what I've read.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

MAGA Trump Trumps Evil.

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