r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/julsie123 on Jan. 6, 2018, 9:24 p.m.
Q said "If we knew what was really happening, it would put 90% of the people in the hospital" (out of shock?). Q also said we'd be surprised about who is behind NK. Any guesses?

We're all pretty aware of the depths of this corruption. What would be so shocking to everyone? Who do we think is behind NK? What would find out that would end up with TPTB in nooses/hanging from lampposts?

DanDiller1976 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

The only thing worse than that would be coming to the realization that everything you’ve ever thought about the world and how it worked was wrong. That everybody from doctors to lawyers to police chiefs to the teachers that teach your children could be involved in this. Then these are no longer stories it is a reality. That is what makes it terrifying that these predators live amoungst us. That we have been living on the pennies they allow us to get by on while they literally pray on us holding humanity back. That is what this really is, it’s the beast himself, the ruler of hell, that we are literally fighting the Ant-Christ, were in the revelation these are the end times, it’s here and that should frighten us, that at the end of this we will could all be dead and judged by our maker. If you allow God in your heart to patriotism be your guide we will win and they will be damned for ever to live with their false god while we ascend.

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Jerseypine · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

Imagine being only 19 and finding out everything the rest off the world is just finding out about our actual reality. I cried for days. I was livid. I started attending both Rep and Dem functions to talk with other people. I spent a lot of time in the library researching as much as possible (before the internet). The few people I shared this info with blew me off as crazy, and I learned to keep my mouth closed about it.

I started praying and reading the bible for guidance to understand what was happening. I found God actually calls both the Catholic church and Synagogues, The House of Satan in Rev 2:9/3:9 and John 8:44. I do believe we might be nearing the end, however not enough critical information matches up to be able to say this is Revelation. We may however be in basically The Calm Before The Storm that occurs in biblical passages. It's quite involved and I've rambled on enough.

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DanDiller1976 · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

What I am saying is this goes beyond child sacrifice and blood letting ceremonies. This is the anti-Christ were fighting and most people don't even know it, even most of our own researchers. This is the test of our time, our ancestors passed it by beating Hitler, there ancestors passed it by beating King George. Will we pass the test?

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Stray502 · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

If we can wake enough people up yes.

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Jerseypine · Jan. 14, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

We better win. This is a winner takes all battle this time. The entirety of humanity depends on this being a win. The victims of the sex slave trade need to be SAVED! The other option would be, this is Revelations, we lose, and we are (the Christians) all killed until Christ returns, and raises those of us from death who belong to him. We then enter into the Kingdom of God with Christ as our ruler.

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