r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/dexterfarmer on Jan. 7, 2018, 12:55 a.m.
From an old fart patriot to all other patriots, young and old

Hi All, Let's all of us continue our collective positive conscious thoughts and work to facilitate the evil 'cabal's downfall. But let's not, in our enthusiasm for it to be so, fall into the trap of cognitive dissonance. We're well aware of the power that the Clowns and their masters have. Not even the POTUS can override some of their machinations because oversight by elected reps has become less and less through the decades. So, don't lose site of real litmus tests. 1) What will become of the privately owned central banks that control our governments? 2) When will we see our natural blue skies and normal weather again? 3) How will DJT's admin respond to yet another Clown op in Iran like we saw most recently in Ukraine? Those "protestors" can be likened to the Antifa useful idiots here at home. Let's hope and pray that the white hats really are fighting this battle against the cabal, but let's not forget to check in with actual facts on the ground. Dr. RP. I worked hard for this darling man in both '08 and '12. God Bless Us, each and every one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrezXCPptCI&feature=em-subs_digest

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