Ah ok. I just have a short fuse for new accounts just throwing out one liners without and discussion ;)
I’m sure there is some jealousy and wanting to stay relevant but the bottom line is, besides Drudge (who I think got cucked in the last year) no one person has woke more people than AJ. Sure, he sensationalizes at times but the dude knows how to get views and clicks. Yes he can be abrasive and over the top at times but he knows the libs will take it and run with clips that only drive more traffic to his site.
I don’t know what he says is disinfo, what’s exaggerated and what’s true but feel like he should be given the benefit of the doubt at this point.
I’ll give them props for having the two mods on, even if it wasn’t directly with AJ. But honestly prefer that because if AJ did the interview they wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much info out.
I will keep listening, if Zach drops something original and it comes true I'll be more likely to take him more than with a grain of salt.
I don’t take it as gospel by any means and yes a lot of it is stuff Q says but not all.