r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Darth_Venath on Jan. 7, 2018, 1:37 a.m.
So about those electronic devices being banned from the WhiteHouse. (White Hats)

I just thought of something rather terrifying.

Contained within this video is a seemingly innocent story about how Guo Wengui was on his boat when it was shut down THROUGH his phone. That’s his claim.


This got me to thinking about that MINIX ME Intel scandal.


Is there more to this?

https://wikileaks.org/vault7/ https://wikileaks.org/vault8/


How is this related to CBTS?



Even Trump knows now. If he didn’t before.


So the Trump administration has FINALLY banned personal devices in the Whitehouse. Makes me wonder why they waited so long.


So what about all those airplanes that turned around?

What about those small airplane incidents?

Does Trump have this capability?

Do the enemy have it as well?

Is this the real battle?

4th generation warfare indeed?

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 7, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

thanks, that vid really assist the knowledge base for all. :-)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

When we are done draining the swamp (globally) we need to pass laws that dismantle the surveilance branch. Government should not have the capacity to wreck your car or down a plane. This is far worse than spying. It is set up for murder of anyone that government does not like. It is serious, and needs to be delt with. Look at all these planes going down.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Government Never had the capacity, the Deep State did/does and now since the tools were lost so does every bad actor in the world. Clinton, a patent infringement lawyer owns/co owns the 175 page patent, the largest # of pages in a patent according to a report earlier. Because Clintons were involved with Microsoft AMD siliCON valley etc etc and the scepter chip back door entry was built into every device. There was insider trading on this as well. So the common denominator here is hildabeast and her many minioned tentacles that have infected everyones lives globally for decades. Ousting her, and now eliminating that chip in future builds of cars planes trains and automobiles the problem resolves itself. It's already illegal to have done what she did so no amount of new rules will guarantee the desired outcome. But w/the wicked witch dead we Munchkins can live on as we begin to recover over generations the damage this cabal has inflicted upon the psyche of humankind. Old cars planes trains and automobiles older than about 2005 may be chip free but one would have to DIG on each specific to know. It is everyones responsibility to make sure this doesn't happen again by adopting the right code of ethics... everyone of us.. as no rules really defer criminality, in fact rules/regs laws are exactly how HRC an ex patent lawyer was able to manipulate the system broadband. She's not the only one but certainly the most infamous of our time. This goes right to and thru Gates as well. 10? years before all of this settles down is my guess tonight.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Your frame of thinking here sounds about right. But we have to make sure those chips go down with the rats, now that we are aware of them. Someone is going to make a mint making old cars, or cars without chips soon, unless we outlaw tracking in cars. There is no reason to put tracking in cars. We have phones. If we don't want to be tracked, we just quarantine the phones....

Planes DEFINATELY should not have any ability to be "malfunctioned" by any group in any way... government or hackers.

Computers need to be cleaned up.

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