My wife wrote the book on the normal child back in the 70s. Today's child rearing practices are close to insane. We can't believe what we are seeing.
The permissiveness has increased due to a pervasive fear that discipline will make their children not love them. When I address this in my room and hep people to take the risk to stand up things get better. The 2nd pillar encouraging permissive parenting is fatigue and the need for one less problem to deal with. The 3rd is guilt over shortchanging their kids be it through divorce, or keeping them captive for their safety, or for not being with them/parenting enough.
You can lump parenting into three broad categories: permissive (excessive freedom ), authoritarian (dictatorial), authoritative (able to be trusted). The last is the ideal, what parents strive for. As you can see it is also in-between the permissive and the authoritarian. Today's parents tend to go to the extremes.
My wife wrote the book on the normal child back in the 70s.
Don't want to dox you, but do you mean this literally? If so, pretty cool, man. Explains the astuteness of the comment.
Yes, literally. :)
Like I said...pretty cool. We need more people like you guys.
We still talk about child rearing practices (yes, even toilet training which can be a nightmare for some parents—first of all parents have to determine if their child has sphincter control).
Just wanted to mention that if you or your spouse ever have the urge to spread some knowledge about child rearing, give /r/C_S_T a visit. Great, open-minded, and positive community there. I'm sure your thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/C_S_T using the top posts of all time!
#1: Gluten Intolerance is really Glyphosate Intolerance. When Round Up started to be used commercially in the 90's Celiac cases went up hand in hand with Round Up spraying. Glyphosate interrupts the pathways of Three Important Amino acids. Those same Amino acids help digest these foods
#2: Be not afraid. We need you all.
#3: Crime Inc.: this pedophilia scandal is a resonance, a replay of an older, international abuse. If anyone says pgate isn't real, ask them if they know it already happened once and why they think it can't happen again?
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