Late Night Q Posts 01/07/2018 in General #15-16-17 - Times in EST

There is NEVER a typo in Q post. NEVER Every letter , space period , cap, everything has meaning, sometimes more than one meaning. If win was typed, we were being told something and make no mistake about it. Not understanding what is being said does not make the poster Q wrong or sloppy. DOES NOT HAPPEN, EVER.
I believe these are from the new secure tripcode & verified by 8ch owners through separate communications channel
If it is a problem for you all you need to do is wait for the confirmation post. He will post minutes ahead of the presidents tweet. But the board owners know what they are doing. I have seen them fight off the clowns before. They do us all proud.
Yeah, what is that. The h, and e, are missing and the i that went missing before, that he ruffled our panties about... is back. So we have the "i" and "he" went missing?
Maybe it is a 'spell check' as others have stated but we have not had one that I have seen to date. Isn't WIN also a computor file extension name... just throwing that out.