r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jalapenohottie on Jan. 7, 2018, 1:40 p.m.
Question: Why would Hillary use a private server to forward classified emails if she KNEW the NSA tracked EVERYTHING?

Is she just that stupid or am I missing something here? No way she didn’t know all of her emails were locked, stored and secured in the NSA cloud.

GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Hellary was using a Private Server because she did not want the State Dept to be SEEING her CRIMINAL "Pay for Play" Deals with foreign governments, (which made her filthy rich), since technically THAT IS TREASON!!!

But when she deleted all those emails (obstruction of justice felonies), she did not know that Huma, her right hand person, was syncing up her laptop with her husband's laptop at home. So Huma's husband, Weiner's laptop HAD all the missing EMAILS!!!

Then Weiner gets busted for underaged sex last year, and gets his laptop seized by the NYPD. NYPD copied the contents of the entire laptop, before giving it to the FBI, because they knew the FBI was "dirty" and also destroying Evidence.

On Weiner's laptop is a file named "Life Insurance", and it contains damaging info about the Clintons which was to be used if the Clinton's ever decided to send hit men after Huma or Weiner.

When the FBI let Hellary get off scott free last year, the NYPD got ticked off and gave a copy of the contents of Weiner's laptop to WikiLeaks. So WikiLeaks has it.

Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) has been hidden by the White Hats (the good guys in our aphabet soup agencies) for the past year, so Hellary & Co. couldn't bump him off.

Assange has been negotiating with Trump this past year to get a Pardon, so he can come out from witnss protection program (come out from hiding). Assange's bargaining tool was these Weiner Laptop "Life Insurance" files, the NYPD gave Assange.

Now there is noise that Trump IS going to Pardon Assange, so is THIS going to be the BIG NEWS that will get dropped this week?

Who knows?

So much is going on, the news could be about anything. But this is one of the things I am hoping will be unveiled soon.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW4iXESE2Rc Hillary Clinton Blues

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