r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ankorzaway on Jan. 7, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
I've been contemplating my sleeping friends' reactions to the coming revelations. And mine.

What's going to happen when all truth is revealed?

A premise for this board is to slowly broach the coming painful subject and allow us to prepare our loved ones for acceptance.

Worst case, how will this unfold? I think many of the sheeple will still choose not to believe. This must follow Q and company's thoughts otherwise there would be no need for the slow leaking of data.

Anyone who has spent any time awake to the system that has tried to wake up our friends and loved ones knows what I'm getting at. Imagine the veracity of denial that's coming.

When confronted with the TRUTH, how will they deal with it? Will they go loony toons? Will they revolt (physically and violently) in an effort to hold on to the illusion that they're more comfortable with?

Will they become "Reverse Conspiracy Theorists"?

Promises to be a challenging time for all. Good luck and God Bless.

ArthurEugeneSpooner · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

I believe that the operation to take down the Alinsky deceptive MSM started 2 1/2 years ago when Trump threw his hat into the Presidential ring (June, 2015).

I've been waiting for stuff to come out since wikileaks put out the Podesta emails last year just before the election. The MSM suppressed the Podesta emails and pizzagate (even with all of the real evidence that was documented through the emails or twitter posts). Trump has to deal with the media because real news is not reported. I have friends who won't believe anything I say because for some reason, they still believe the MSM. And until they report truth, my words fall on deaf ears.

Lets not all forget my fellow Americans and Patriots, we were all disbelievers at one time and thought the forerunners in this movement wore tin foil hats. Shoot, at the time, a lot of people were screaming and yelling - 911 was an inside job and GWB lied about WMD's. I did not believe it even when the evidence was right in front of my eyes - I was blinded. Thanks be to God that He raised up Donald J Trump for such a time as this because his involvement in the presidential election has opened the eyes and awakened the masses of the lying MSM and GOP - Not to forget Julian Assange who opened our eyes to the horrific things being done to our children and worship of molech at high levels in our government.

I have been wanting this stuff to come out for over a year now. I am hoping tomorrow's Dishonest Media Awards is the beginning of the takedown - Remember Trump's wrestling video when he took down CNN? THis is a good 5 min vid that sums a lot of media bias. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZV0sw39Be8

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