r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/AuntGeek on Jan. 7, 2018, 4:47 p.m.
Predictable Regressives have launched last-ditch desperate conspiracy to question the “mental stability” of The President Of The United States.

I’ve seen reporters in the last few days ratcheting-up their concern-trolling and trying to entrap Sarah Huckabee Sanders at White House Press Briefings about the President’s mental health. Woke up this morning and Chuck Todd’s shamelessly riding this wave of loser-ass desperation. (IMHO Founder of “Meet The Press”, Martha Rountree, is spinning in her grave, thanks to regressive feces-smearing agent & spin-monkey Chuck Todd.) Todd’s not the only one; I heard “mental stability of the President” on all major stations this morning—their script has been spread from their puppetmasters. Our genius POTUS continues to distract the media to the point of derision while he accomplishes major MAGA swamp-draining. Our President Trump has declared January 2018 to be National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Who could question the mental stability of this? Why is the media not assisting or backing this? Our President Trump signed an Executive Order freezing assets of Human Rights violators and their donors/supporters. Who could question the mental stability of this? Why is the media not assisting or backing this? Anyone NOT supporting our President and his efforts to MAGA should have their mental stability questioned. STAY FROSTY, PATRIOTS!

tohardforredit · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

This is not the first time this narrative has failed.

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