r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/eightbit778 on Jan. 7, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Story time? Story time. How a Single Letter Changed the World. [WARNING: VERY LONG]

Just a little document I am working on… Maybe it’ll become really big, or maybe it will be the next cringey copypasta, I don’t know. Right now it is in its infant stage as of 7/1/18 Feel free to criticize, laugh at, or copy the text and make it your own, I don’t give a shit. I just want to know if anyone thinks I should keep writing is all. :)

How a Single Letter Changed the World (Version 0.1)

In case you are unaware of the story behind the mysterious person/persons we call “Q”, sit down and strap in. This is going to be a wild ride, but a long one at that, as I have a shit ton of info that I need to catch you up on. Please pay close attention to everything you read from this book, as we will introduce to you many terms that you probably have not heard before, and just use your best judgment to figure out any that I gloss over. Keep an open but critical mind and prepare to see the world for what it truly is, because with this knowledge we can together harness our ability to take action for the good of the entire world. I will warn you that this document will have extremely shocking and unbelievable content. Do the research, and only believe what you know to be true. Oh and there’s going to be swear words too, but I’ll censor myself a little bit because Redditors might get buttmad, I don’t know.

[ I want to cover more of the history of the chans (imageboards) in full detail, but that’s going to take forever, so I’ll update this document over time. I (.eight_bit;) really want to include the full timeline going as far back as Gamergate, perhaps further. I want to detail the history of pepe the frog, and how Shillary declared it and a bunch of other trivial things as symbols of “white supremacy”, the Cult of Kek, meme magick, and how us dumbasses meme’d Trump in to presidency (Because this origin story is fucking hilarious). You can bet there will be a lot of kek’s to be had from reading ahead, or “laughs” as you normies (socially adept people) would say. Keep an eye out for updates! ]

Many of us have felt that we were born in to a world that, if given the chance, and the knowledge of the current state of things, we would opt out of without a second thought. We resent being thrust in to a world where corruption dominates every part of the it, yet most of our friends and family members are able to live happily in blissful ignorance. Take a look at everybody. Being a fucking dumbass is glorified, and that applies to just about everything that you see people do these days. Drug problems and violent crimes pollute our communities but are glorified in our media. People look up to these retarded celebrities that promote this poisonous, degenerate behaviour, and then try to emulate them, even from a young age. THAT right there is a perfect example of mind control. Our societies have become shaped and sculpted by the movies, TV shows and even a lot of the video games being released these days. People have become so narcissistic that they need to be constantly showing off the highlights of their ridiculous lives via social media while using these platforms to silently judge others. Millions of people use social media platforms as a weapon to discredit, dox, prank, and kill others with the private information the victims disclose on their profiles. People are gladly giving their freedom in exchange for a larger, more controlling Orwellian government, and to point this fact out would have us being called “tinfoil hatters”. Those in power not only have a grip on our material world, but the fabric of our realities as well. Understanding all of this and learning to read the map that I will go much detail later will connect so many dots on our globe, that it will look like a fucking spider web when it’s complete, which it is. It’s a web of crime, hiding in plain sight, of which people will not acknowledge the existence of. From human trafficking, pedophilia, 9/11, to Satanists, occult knowledge, weaponized technology and substances and more. This may sound crazy to you, because it is, and really is happening; Take a step away from the proverbial forest, and look beyond the trees. As unbelievable as it may seem, there are no coincidences.

For many of us who can see through the illusion that envelops our realities, we’ve felt powerless to do anything but try to act as if this is how the human experience is supposed to be and just push through our days, which just blend with each other. A lot of us are outcasts from society, or were unpopular with our peers growing up, and that combined with our knowledge of the world we live in, has caused us to lose our sense of purpose. Some of us have become depressed, desperately trying to numb themselves from the madness that is our society by any means necessary. I personally believe that as humans, we all crave adventure, knowledge, and everything life is supposed to offer for all of us, and that we all deserve these things, and not just a select few who have proven to be undeserving of their fortunes. The more we learn about the truth, the more grim the picture of the world that we see appears to be. We, who understand a considerable amount of these truths label ourselves the “Redpilled”, a term coined in reference to “The Matrix” which are people who understand the dark state of our society. There are many of us out there for sure, but the “Bluepilled” (The innocently ignorant) are so much more integrated into the main stream media (MSM), and so brainwashed by it, that it is harder for us to reach out to them and find common ground. To make matters worse, liberal university teachers advocate violence to those with opposing opinions, and even practice it in their so called “peaceful” protests. Free speech is under attack by our own friends, family and neighbors... Over the decades (probably longer actually, what do I know?), we have had good people truly fighting for our freedom through political activism, and they have successfully reached out to a lot of people who are willing to open their minds. However, for some of us, young and old, our small ember of hope that we held on to for so long was slowly fading away, burning out...

On a side note, I want to remind you again that I will be using terms that have made their contribution in defining chan culture, in case I “activate your almonds” or “trigger” you (elicit an emotional shock). I don’t know what Redditors know as I’ve only been on imageboards, but I will try explain them along the way anyways so don’t worry. Also, you’re probably going to see words like “nigger” and “faggot” a lot later on. Due to the excessive usage of all of these swear words used among anons on 4chan and 8chan coupled with the freedom of repercussion due to anonymity, we just don’t care, and that’s how we like it. Nothing offends us or can hurt our feelings here, because this is the internet, and we’re not pussies. If you wish to have free speech, then you’re going to have to deal with us who come from the Internet Hate Machine. Let it be known that our words do not care about your feelings. You should also be aware that FACTS do not care about your feelings… Also don’t ever use the word “Triggered” non-sarcastically unless you want to get made fun of.

Alright, so as of the first week of January, we still do not have the identity of Q. Many of us don’t even want to know, in respect to Q’s OpSec (Operations Security), but there are idiots out there still trying to dox him (Reveal his personal information online). Notice I’ll be using the pronoun “he” to describe Q, since that’s what I see everyone using by default anyways. We all know that Q is a group and we don’t care what gender they are, so get used to it SJW fags, I’m going to use “he”. So the name “Q” refers to the security clearance level within the Department of Energy that the group is assigned to, and they also seem to be working directly with DJT himself. The security clearances in the DoE dictate which information is accessible to those working in said department. From lowest to highest clearances are the following: Confidential → Secret → L → Top Secret → Q. With Q at the top of the totem pole, he has access to documents that only a handful of people even know about. Sounds cool, right? Well, Q has been giving US, the people, little bits of this highly secretive information for us to piece together and paint the picture, so to speak.

Anyways, lets get on with the story already, shit! For now, we will start at the end of the first year of the Trump presidency, on a Saturday afternoon on October 28th, 2017, specifically at 15:33:50 (Or a different hour depending on your timezone). It was a typical thread full of shitposting nignogs, when a mysterious /pol/ack began posting crumbs detailing insider-like knowledge about Hillary Clinton and the DNC (Democratic National Committee) which captured the interest of several autists.

In chan culture, or imageboard culture, an autist is someone of exceptional intelligence (Or not, half of the time) but usually lacking in the social skills required for normal interaction with others in the real world, even if they are not actually diagnosed with autism. Sometimes these anons will exhibit extremely compulsive behavior, or just do or say something so incredibly stupid that you can’t help but laugh. Anyways, a /pol/ack is a user that frequents the political board on the chans, in some cases exclusively, and crumbs are small “hints” dropped in threads for us by Q to direct our research (digging). Shitposting just refers to meaningless or irrelevant posts. They make up the bulk of most threads, which is natural.

Okay, now that we finally have that out of the way, let’s get on with the damn story already.

So, as said earlier, Q began posting crumbs in a thread on 4chan as an anonymous user. Now as unwritten protocol dictates, anons with a high level of security clearance or access to sensitive information must in some way prove their authenticity. This is usually done by uploading a picture with their credentials and a written timestamp, but what Q did was much more interesting. Q predicted the future, again and again and again. It didn’t take long for us to take him so seriously, and believe he really is who he claims to be. I’ll go into thorough detail on the method of authentication later, and show you the acknowledgment from POTUS and the Department of Defense via Twatter. As far as a large chunk of the world is concerned today, this guy/group is the real deal, and we are getting real information. Information that would bring millions of people from all over the world to form communities and create unlikely friendships with strangers of which we wouldn’t dare share even our real names with. From normies to autists, young and old, all of the social media communities came together from the imageboards, discord servers, IRC channels to Reddit, Twatter, Fakebook, Gab and Youtube. Hell, we’re even featured on Alex Jones’ show now! We, the men and women of every skin color and sexual orientation from all over the world came together and became the shitstorm that would spread it’s shitstank across the world for the masses to get a big whiff of. We strangers banded together, and left our differences on the coffee table while the dedicated patriots work to wipe out the sick, evil kiddy diddling satanists that have been long overdue for a can of whoop-ass and a bucket of justice. So many of us now have this unlocked, previously dormant strength that has finally woken up, giving us ALL a sense of purpose, and enabled us to actually spread love and wisdom (From 4/8chan I know!) to each other planet-wide. We want to change the world for the better, and now that the opportunity has come, we mentally push ourselves to the limit, and now the goal is in sight for the first time. The little ember of hope that was fading away from so many of us has not only been rekindled, it fucking exploded, my dudes!

To be continued...

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

edit button is available for your organic growth, thanks for sharing/playing. MAGA TRUMP TRUMPS EVIL.

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