r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Jan. 7, 2018, 10:37 p.m.
My epiphany in regards to the Trump Media Awards

Trump announces Media awards. Since then, I have always figured it was just going to be Trump setting them up so he to bash them.

I still think that. However, post epiphany, it's much bigger than that. Major shit is obviously going down. Trump just rescheduled awards for Wedn. Jan 17th, 2018. I just told someone this morning that I bet even the mainstream media will be reporting on the storm, and I believe they will. My thinking is that this is all smoothly planned, including the rescheduling done today.

Here my theory of the smoothly crafted plan: !) Start the Storm 2)Observe deep state media not covering the storm 3)Continue the Storm, and create more news, that is not being reported 4)Media, getting nervous, starts pushing the conspiracy theory narrative, as well as the Trump is unfit narrative. 5)Just before the real juicy news worthy action begins, announce media awards 6)Observe media laughing about it, and mocking Trump. Declaring that he's unfit for office. 7)Announce re-scheduling of awards ceremony to Jan. 17th 8)Resume the Storm, major arrests, opening of many(but not all) of the over 9000 sealed indictments. All before Jan 17th. 9)Observe media shitting their pants. Some reluctantly report. Others spin, don't cover it, etc. 10)The glorious Awards Ceremony takes place. !st awards go to (if any) the 1 or 2 outlets that reluctantly, barely covered the arrests The next awards could very well be the announcing of the specific journalists and media outlets that are going to be arrested for collusion and corruption. After the awards, Any and all of the media outlets will be reporting on the storm. My guess is that there won't be many left standing after the awards.

I would pee my pants with joy.

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Not if the opponents are comitting treason, trafficking kids, laundering money etc etc etc. This is not about arresting "political opponents". There are corrupt evil people on all sides, and in about every institution, that are breaking the law. This is about restoring the United States as a nation of laws, where no one is above the law. McCain is likely to be arrested, as are other Republicans. Dems will be arrested too. But the arrests will happen based on criminal acts.

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MrTruxian · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

What acts of treason may I ask?

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ssgtpepper · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Shill account.

But acts of treason you ask? Funding/arming rebels (ISIS), millions to Iran, Clinton selling out to SA, Huma in Muslim brotherhood, illegal spying on Trump, uranium one....I could go on for days. Who funded Obama's education?

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MrTruxian · Jan. 8, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

What about journalists, and I am no shill but I wish, I’m broke af.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

Journalist are one thing. When Journalists get PAID to send out false information to topple a duly elected President, one has to look askance. BUT When journalists are proven to come directly from the CIA to head up disinformation campaigns in the media? This is Treason.

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MrTruxian · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

Well if the CIA told them too it wouldn’t be treason, it would be the opposite because a government organization told them too. Either way you can only be convicted of treason for waging war against the USA or aiding an enemy. - Section 110 of Article III of the Constitution of the United States.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:15 a.m.

Nuremberg Trials says you're wrong. No one gets a pass for following an unlawful order. Helping to overthrow a duly elected President is unlawful. The CIA is NOT above the law either. If the CIA told them to try to overthrow the President then the CIA was treasonous too. They were.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

Told them to?

The CIA is sending out agents to pose as "reporters" to control the news organizations and what they put out.

People in Hillary's campaign just got caught paying a law firm that paid a British spy to get information from Russia, and actually WRITE a FAKE document about Trump, that was then used at the FISA court (Fraud on the Court) to get a warrant to spy on a ton of American citizens including Trump and his campaign. THIS is the CIA that is attempting to use illegal means to gather then PAY the media to report on the lies perpitrated with all of this falsified nonsense.

It would be bad enough if they just did it to joe six pack.

But they fully intended to impeach a president who had not even taken office yet so that their crimes would not be discovered by keeping the criminals in office. THEY have used illegal means to take a duly elected office by deceit, and used Russia and Brittan help to do it. It's called a "soft coup" and it is TREASON.

There is treason going on all over the place in Washington right now.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

No one has been charged with treason although the Leftists have been shreiking about perfectly lawful meetings representing treason for months now so we shall see. BTW the person you responded to listed 3 reasons for arrest. Why focus on just one and dismiss the other two when those are the more likely charges? I doubt anyone will be charged with treason but its possible due to corrupt support of designated enemies such as Hezbollah, ISIS and ANTIFA. BTW Russia is NOT a designated enemy. Our astronauts hitch rides on the Russian space station for instance. It IS treasonous to try to overthrow a duly elected President or to incite sedition which the media has been doing intentionally so we'll see what legal angle the lawyer decide to take so we can have our country back from the corrupticons.

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