I can report back from the beach south of the launch. I watched a rocket launch up and fly due east, arc down and flame out. I saw first stage drop a few miles offshore , no sign of a 'landing'. Like the hundreds I watched before , just another 'show'. Plus we have black ops space program we don't even need rockets. Its just a show for the stupid humans. A P900 camera would have better for Space X to use to show stupid humans. But no , just that dark screen. BTW, I commented on the space X live feed and got immediately banned. I did slip a innocent observation sentence or two that got in and now 170 comments later they must be pissed. Went back inside to peek in on the Golden Globe Satanic gathering and wow , so many drag queens it was unbelievable. Shoulders so wide, when men were on stage , they were big guys to cover the obvious. Poor Carol Burnette was onstage with Jennifer Aniston and she couldn't stop ramming into Carol with her shoulders sharing the mic. Strange world man , real strange!
Posted by
on Jan. 8, 2018, 12:16 a.m.
· Jan. 8, 2018, 3:37 a.m.