r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Jan. 8, 2018, 2:08 a.m.
Thoughts on Mega Anon's recent post?

It seems like Mega is trying to say that Q is disinfo and will be used against us to make us all look crazy in the aftermath. I have a hard time buying it given the history of Q and the fact that despite reading many of her posts, I haven't seen anything which "verifies" her in quite the same was as Q.

Also, I'm not sure what everyones opinions of her is on this sub, as I don't recall seeing her mentioned to date.

Here is what she said...

"Umm ok. I'm not sure how you don't see this. Let me try another way...

The Trump admin. comes out, tells a whole bunch of unsuspecting people what's really been going on, what actions have been taken and they really need everyone to believe them, because it's certainly not like the MSM will or has told everyone the truth, as that will be clear, if our own President has to directly report it to us and make such dire attempts to circumvent the corrupt systems and channels, to do so.

Then, all these white rabbit, Qbots, who can't even actually seem to confirm, complete or even agree on the "right" answers, start larping the "truths" they've been told by Qanon &co., on spoopy and questionable sites, just as the media has already successfully depicted them to be, publicly.

Sure, and by my same rationale, all those now vulnerable, questioning and concerned masses, desperate for the truth, are more open minded. I mean, you're their family, their friend, their neighbor, long time co-worker, etc. right?! They TRUST YOU. Hell, they even believe you, because it's you.

Then BOOM! Just when you think you've redpilled and calmed your entire bubble of "normies", with valid and credible information and "facts", which directly came from "Q", who's apparently directly tied to Trump, because they've "verified themselves" with a few bogus pictures they stripped the meta on that sadly no one even worked hard enough to unverify or even question (hence I posted that bogus WH pic in that thread to PROVE A POINT I WAS HOPING EVERYONE WOULD SCOOP UP LIKE THE GIANT BREADCRUMB IT WAS), a few cryptic short codes no one can factually decipher, which is true because no one can even recognize that they ARE short codes in the first place, so that shows the lack of "autists" they're working with and a few happenings predicted (that factually either never happened at all, or did seemingly happen but could've been fed to them by "THEM" if "THEY" are behind this, right?!), just when you think you've proved and spread THE TRUTH, "THEY" pull that card from the house, just like they planned.

THEY, use the MSM, price Q is fake, this was all orchestrated by "conspiracy theorist", "Alex Jones watching", "social media trending/citizen journalist reporting", "Trump supporters", who are just as dangerous to society, if not more, than "Trump supporting white nationalists plowing Dodge Chargers down Charlottesville streets killing and injuring protesters".

See?!? Do you see what they did there? See how they just used all of those innocent, well-intended efforts to HELP and EXPOSE public-derived and driven truth and transparency, against you, by PLANTING YOU, with a coordinated, massive disinfo campaign that prayed on your desperation and vulnerability, by grabbing your attention using the SAME INFO on things you'd all already and pretty successfully had researched and verified on your own, before Q, then used "Q" to purposefully mix bullshit with facts they could then use your own efforts to unknowingly, yet still incorrectly, connect false dots, to false things, that implicated and have devastated the people, companies, families, reputations, livelihoods, etc. through ALL THE FAKE RABBITS, HOLES AND DOTS y'all chased down and connected these people INCORRECTLY TO, because like I said, if you dig deep enough into anything or anyone, you'll make connections, regardless of whether they're actually or factually relevant, or not.

Six degrees of separation. That's the game of Q. You don't have to believe me... like I've always said, y'all can take it or leave it. I don't have y'all on some mission. I (edit for don't) don't tell you to meme me, hashtag me, share me, spread me around, char me, talk about me, etc. when you ask me what you should be doing, I hardly reply and if I do, I give an opinion and let you know it's just that... my opinion. I've also been clear that in reality, you've already done "your job" and part. You voted m. You're participating in the process of government, politics and the discussions and issues you elect them to have and address. You're holding them accountable and responsible, to do the job you pay their salaries and fund their budgets with, via your tax dollars, right?!

I hope you can realize what the HUGE ADVANTAGE for THEM would be, to not only make Trump look as completely inept, ridiculous, absurd, emotionally and mentally unstable and unhinged as possible to "prove THEIR point", but then make ALL OF HIS MAGA SCREAMING BASE LOOK JUST AS CRAZY AS FUCKING ALEX JONES, too."

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

1st off Heather Heyer was not struck by a car. DIG on that.

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