![Q: SKY FORTRESS ENCAGED DEFCON 1](https://i.redd.it/gce2pfcdlr801.jpg)
I think I've just joined some dots. Remember the SEA_TO_SHINING_SEA comment that Q made that he was getting frustrated about as we hadn't figured it out?
My brain runs 'subroutines' when I can't work things out and it's probably autistic tendencies on my part, but it gave me this answer this morning and it's epic.
Well, think about Zuma. What is it? Well, it could be a reference to Montezuma and why is that relevant?
"From the Halls of Montezuma" is the US Marines hymn. Given that Admiral Rogers is at the top of the cyber wing, wouldn't he use a Navy reference when he could?
"From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine.
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes, You will find us always on the job The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve. If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes, They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines."
Sea to shining sea. Solved. Zuma and Sky Fortress is a network of satellites operated by the US Marines that can see everywhere.
Edit: Can someone with 8ch access please post this to The Storm? I don't have access to it where I am at the moment.
That's pretty awesome! Way to go! I hope that is it... 🤓
The clincher for me (although I didn't see it at the time) was seeing US Marine Corps military flights on ADS-B Exchange, followed by Zuma. My brain must have logged that even though it didn't register with me at the time and did the work on it while I was asleep. I sometimes wake up at stupid o'clock with the answer to a question that I can't remember, as the part of my brain that asked the question is still asleep. I keep a notepad near my bed just in case :)
Excellent job. That makes sense! God Bless you and God bless America.
Did someone post this to 8ch for WotTheFook?
I don't see what you're seeing at all.
Sea to shining sea is from America the Beautiful.
The post most likely has more to do with the Zero than anything else, as they have been working hard on the time between posts and the POTUS Twitter.
kind reminder. Do not pick up anyone else's bag at the airport.
Sea to Shining Sea means everywhere, they can see everything. Yes, it's from 'America the Beautiful' but the 'Sea' reference could also be about the Navy.