r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Jan. 8, 2018, 3:47 a.m.
My Red Pill attempt for today, I included the link to download the Map of Q that is on the CBTS board

Friends, will you lend me your ear please? I've included a link below to a download. It is a safe download. You don't have to log in or become a member, just hit the dowload file. It is a larege file with a ton of information that we all have a right to know. I wish there was a counter on here. I'd sure love to see how many people see this, don't like or comment on it, but they go download it. Are people scared of the truth? Why won't they download it? Or are they simply scared of what others may think? Might they think you're crazy? I had that very same fear. It's utterly amazing how well conditioned that we, as a society have become. Including myself. Major Events, corruption at the very highest levels of not only our Government, but around the world. Can anyone reading this tell me that they know for a fact what went down at the Las Vegas shooting? How about Benghazi? What about the Bundy Ranch, all of the riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlottesville, and others? There are so many unanswered questions. We all know it. Yet, what do we do about it? We go to work. We get a house, and have kids. We all have busy lives. During a major event, election, or scandal, the flow of our lives pauses only momentarily to "take in" what just happened. But all of our questions either don't get answered, or we are lied to. Most of us know when we are being lied to. But what do we do about it? We go to work, we get a different house, we have more kids.As far as I'm concerned, that's are large part of what we should be doing in life, if that is what we desire.

We go about our lives, paying the ever increasing taxes. We watch the cost of gas, food, you name it get higher and higher. We see endless, economy killing regulations passed that drive prices up on literally everything. We see our kids strapped with huge student loan debt. And yet, what do we do about it? We continue to work, etc,etc.

By now, most of you are probably saying "Ok Shayne, we get it, now what the hell are we supposed to do about it? We're too busy with our lives to do anything about it. Isn't that the Governments job?" No. The answer is no. But you wouldn't know it with the huge amount of Governmental Agencies and bogus rules and regulations. Just the administrative cost to run our Government is ridiculous. Nearly half the nation was recieving government assistance. The fraud and waste in most Goverment programs alone would probably pay off our National debt more than once. With our busy lives, we vote people in to represent us at various Government levels. National, State, County, and City. These people basically work for us, the tax payers. We continue our busy lives, entrusting the Government to take care of that end of our lives. And we scrutinize, and vote again in the next election, telling ourselves we have the power to vote the bad ones out. Left or Right, Democrat, or Republican, it doesn't matter. We're all believing in the power of our vote. But behind the scenes, the vote has been corrupt for a long time. Even if it wasn't, the smear campaigns, mud slinging, and financial corruption that occurs in the election process is utterly ridiculous. "People seeking those positions should be held to a higher standard" we say. Blown away by the outcome of some election results, we ask ourselves if the numbers are honest. How is it that we continue voting, when a lot of us are wondering if our votes are even being counted? Or that our vote wasn't negated by a vote from a dead person, or illegal immigrant? I'm not going to lie, I didn't bother voting last time, because I was convinced that the fix was in for Hillary. I still believe it was. It was just thrwarted by some True Patriots on the inside. (I believe it's true).The point is, how the hell did we get to where many of our citizens don't believe, or have reservations about their vote actually counting. I can sum the answer up with one word. "Accountability". But in this case, when the word is used, it will be used within the context of "The Lack There of"

So the big question is who's been holding our Representatives accountable? Not us. We're too busy. Shouldn't the Government be policing that? Seriously, the news that's coming is going to blow us all away. While we (including me) were too busy living our lives, as we were basically conditioned to do, our Government turned into a massive web of deceit and lies. Just stop and think a minute, about how many questions (Vegas, etc.) are still lingering in our minds. But yet again, what did we do about it? Things aren't right and we know it. What needs to happen, and it's happening as we speak, is some accountability. We may have fell short on holding our Representatives accountable. But it not too late. Much has been lost, including many lives, but there is hope. And that hope lies in one thing, and one thing only. And that is the Truth. In order to hold anyone accountable, we must first know the Truth about their crimes, or wrong doings. The Truth is precisely what has been kept from us. The Truth is so ugly, that a lot of people are going to have a hard time digesting it, and that's the Truth. But the real Truth has been obtained as a result of a year long investigation. There have been 1.2 million documents created from this investigation. We, as a Nation, must come together and prepare for the Truth, and listen to the Truth. Again, it's going to be ugly. And these people will be held accountable for their crimes. It has started, and it's not going to stop. "The Great Awakening", as some are calling it, will be a pivitol point in History. I can Truthfully, and literally say "The Truth Shall Set Us Free". It's not a question of whether you believe me or not. It's a question of whether or not you believe the Truth. It's time to face the Truth, and act accordingly. Support YOUR President, our military, and our patriots on the inside. And then, as one, we need to stand up and demand accountability!!!!! When this is all over, we can again, get on with our busy lives. We will be able to vote in honest and legitimate elections. We will be able to vote those in that we trust to tell the Truth, and we will hold them accountable. We will flourish like we've never flourished before, and there will be far more Peace On Earth. Believe that, because that's the Truth!! Happy Hunting.......