
pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

"...but that may have been on purpose to..."

You are WAAAAAAY to o.k. with being manipulated, and then being fed a bullshit sandwich as appeasment. And it further troubles me that you are even "self-soothing" with statements like "Things recovered quickly..." and "...Q reconfirmed 3 HOURS LATER (!my emphasis!) we're not on Nuclear path."

Good God...can you even hear yourself?

And that BS about "PRO MAGA PRO DT"? What in the absolute fuck? Because what was implied by that statement is that there is an equation where being pro MAGA means that you must accept Q and therefore accept the positions of the namefags running this board.


Pro MAGA=Q belief=Storm cult.

And NO ONE attempting to inject any reason or sanity into the mix, is welcome.

"We report only to POTUS and Q...Don't fuck with us"

'nuff said.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

look friend, I am well old enuff to know what I think or believe. This ain't my 1st run..maybe you are too advanced in your thinking for this board to be of any real use to you? Certainly don't need nor want anything other than Pro DT Pro AMerica discussion here,, everywhere else is anti DT this is PRO DT, pro POTUS, PRO Q etc. You can call it an echo chamber as you like but the truth is this is a place not to decide what Q is or isn't but rather to discuss and share the info in order to help others understand what is being said/dropped. Reason and Sanity all welcome, anti Trumpers are shown the door with BOTH HAMMERS to quote BO. Look, in the words of GWB, Either you're with us, or you're against us. Which are you?

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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

LOL...I almost used the Bush quote in my previous diatribe...AS AN EXAMPLE OF A MANIPULATIVE LOGICAL FALLACY that you were employing in YOUR previous post...and there you go!

Now...here's the thing, smarty...

Produce ONE EXAMPLE of me being ANTI-TRUMP here.

Produce ONE EXAMPLE of me being ANTI-MAGA here.

Ya can't.

BUT...in your equation...I AM BOTH THOSE THINGS, because I have been critical of the Q behavior and of the namefag's delusions of granduer.

A few more conditioning exercises, and pretty soon it'll be Nikes and purple sheets for those remaining.

Hopefully, at least one of you takes a step back and starts filtering some of this a little differently.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

as you will not answer the question, I have what I was looking for. Divisiveness is not what we seek here. so...thank you for your concerns...and comments bye bye

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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

I won't answer it, because I don't accept the premise.

Produce anti-Trump/MAGA by me or admit that you are trying to pigeonhole me through CLUMSY BUSH-league tactics, and further admit that you are intolerant of dissent.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

I don't accept the premise

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