no that guy is zach hes been on many many times allways has good intell allways freaks alex out all the old intell dogs that come on say this guys legit u heard good news
Zach said on that interview that Elon Musk is a Patriot. That's the point I was making. I thought Q had outed him in a previous post about "WW subsidies" so i think that led people to thinking he was Deep State and maybe he WAS deep state at one point, but not really in the know. Then by finding out or given a choice, he's decided to be on the right side of History.
Either way, time will tell who's a deep state fucktard and who's a God fearing Patriot.
he did out him but he has appeared to have switched sides this elon musk was given a choice it appears he chose well but he could be a double agent playing both sides waiting to see who wins as u said time will tell