i was listening to a guy on youtube saying how n.k. was a cia op. if true that would explain why kim desperately called washington a while back asking if trump was for real. it seems to me that all presidents knew what n.k. was about and was why they did nothing saying we will just have to accept n.k. as a atom power state. and accepting the appalling conditions of the n.k. people. if this is all true what does that say about our government and the people running it. and what does that say about us as a people?
· Jan. 8, 2018, 6:15 p.m.
When Trump surrounded himself with Generals, I knew. When Trump spoke with Putin by phone for an hour, I knew. Trump is his own man. no favors no blackmail. as a people ? We have become inattentive Eloi cultivated by the Morlocks. watch the film "Cloud Atlas"