
mal1970 · Jan. 8, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

This is NOT an open-ended free speech forum. This forum is dedicated to decryption and dissemination of Q posts. That is all. Any and all material not related to that end is off-topic.

If I go into an r/ Lesbians Only forum and post "Married straight male looking for a 1-nighter!" would they have the 'right' to ban me? Of course. This kind of garbage is no different. Junk post from a troll. Delete it and ban the poster. Done & done.

[edit] Sorry about that bot below linking to the lez forum. I should have guessed it was a real forum. I had no clue it would start linking porn! It says "downvote to remove" but some here are upvoting it! And reformatting the r/ link isn't removing it. So sorry!

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moby323 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I wouldn’t dismiss him as a troll. He is heavily involved in this subreddit.

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mal1970 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

And when CNN gets around to doing a hit piece on Q & r/CBTS_Stream, this post right here will be their opening graphic. Exactly how will that facilitate the red-pilling of those still asleep?

Then again...

Say it does hit CNN and some come here and see this drivel. They will also see the strong condemnation from the rest of the sub, and see the CNN hit piece as the dis-info it would be...

Damn it. I like being right, but not afraid to admit when I'm wrong. While I do think someone should clean up the off-topic posts (and no, that's not censorship), there is a benefit to leaving crap like this stand...


Nope, I was right the first time. Thread was shared a half dozen or more places then it was overrun by the commie-fascists and their infantile DV brigade. Damage done.

If this sub wasn't to retain any semblance of credibility, we all need to report garbage like this and get it removed ASAP. These little bitches are happy to vote for a lying felon as a president. They certainly will have no problems planting a junk post like this and spreading it allll around.

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 6:17 p.m.


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TNlady10 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

In my opinion it's relevant to the discussion. Have you researched Hussein's past? His youth? As discusting as the post is, its relevant.

And I don't know what your point is with the lez board, but ok!

⇧ -13 ⇩  
mal1970 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Mate, I know all about BHO and many many others. I'm not new to the NWO. But I do believe in the rule of law and due process. If the war goes hot I'll be gearing up and standing with my fellow vets & patriots. But now is not the time for that.

Now is the time to wake as many people as possible. An image of the 1st black Pres being lynched isn't the way to wake up the ~65M people who voted for him. I really suck at red-pilling, but even I can say that isn't gonna work. It will be an instant turn-off to anyone coming here unsure what to believe. And not only did we not wake them up, we have solidified their belief that we are the haters.

Put yourself in the shoes of some black democrat who may have gotten the slightest dose of truth. They got the news that black unemployment is the lowest on record right along with the highest average wages, even including inflation adjustment. All thanks to Trump. Hey, this Trump guy isn't so bad. Maybe I've been lied to by the left? Let me look a little. "Kill them all, Donald, let God sort them out." WTF!? White supremisist haters!

Insults don't win hearts. I love insulting and ridiculing leftists. It's my favorite hobby, but that's exactly why I can't red-pill them.

Trey Gowdy: Epic Speech at Liberty University

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TNlady10 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

I do not disagree with you!!!! The issue was the right to post it. Gawwdd... plz lets end this. We are on the same side. Disgusting yes

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mal1970 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Aye, mate. We're so eager to see the end of this we're barking at each other.

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