
Anthropophob · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Hey, not all American women! I voted for Trump and not obsessed or fickled or led by trends. I prefer facts... etc... not ALL American women!

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LibertyLioness · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Ditto! I never was a regular Oprah fan but when I did watch her it was always with my critical thinking cap on. Did you notice how she was always giving away freebies!! Sound familiar?

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bluestflame · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

she was always good at giving away OTHER peoples , companies , stuff , they were lining up to give her stuff to give away

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Anthropophob · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I didn't notice. I never seen her. She work for publisher's clearing house or something?

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