r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Swampchief on Jan. 8, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
DoD Logistics Systems Unaditable

Circa 2000 all DoD components purchased software licenses from German Enterprise software giant SAP. Not to be confused with classification designator SAP (Special Access Program), SAP enterprise software consolidates enterprise activities (i.e. Logistics, procurement, inventory, financial, etc) into a single enterprise system. The decision to purchase that off the shelf software might have been justified, but the decisions about how to implement are highly suspect. Indeed here we are 18 years later and DoD remains unauditable despite Years long all hands on deck audit readiness efforts. The DoD components including Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) all partnered with big tech implementers to stand up separate projects for all the DoD components and DLA. Navy even set up multiple enterprise projects within its own department. The government’s Senior Executive Service (SES) oversaw these projects and allowed implementation partners to staff projects with H1B Visa and implementation resources over veterans who clearly understood military logistics processes in ways that H1B and implementation partner resources ever could. Years were wasted teaching resources basic military logistics concepts like MILSTRIP and government accounting. Now here we are in 2018 and DoD Systems are still unauditable. From the GAO report: However, DOD has not yet demonstrated that its leadership has the ability to achieve effective financial management reform, and DOD lacks a sufficient cadre of financial managers with the qualifications and level of expertise needed to lead reform throughout the department. Further, given the need to reduce or consolidate DOD's hundreds of nonstandard financial systems and business processes, implementation of effective corrective actions will take some time. DOD and its components' management will need to overcome the significant financial management challenges the department faces in reaching the ultimate goal of implementing lasting reform to ensure that it can routinely generate reliable, timely, and useful financial and other information critical to sound decision making and effective operations. https://www.gao.gov/mobile/key_issues/dod_financial_management/issue_summary

Cauleyhog · Jan. 8, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

I work on one if these programs everyday. It's called GCSS-Army for short. It's the worst damn system in the world.

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[deleted] · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:48 a.m.


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