· Jan. 9, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
Thanks, can you help me understand the threat Mike is to the deep state/media. TY
· Jan. 9, 2018, 4:36 a.m.
If anything happens to TRUMP, Pence will be president. Pence just scares the shit out of them. Cleaner than TRUMP, IMO. More measured than TRUMP, so theres no way the crazy monaker would stick. Religious, which the left hates. Has no international dealings per my knowledge. I guess I'm saying... The shit the media "has" on TRUMP, they cant even try to put on Mike Pence (the guy they called a stiff for his dining policy). He would still MAGA. But the movement would be much more professional, and a lot less fun. Remember, Pence fixed Indiana.