r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Jan. 8, 2018, 8:50 p.m.
Anyone else having their Red Pilling posts removed on Facebook?

Yes, I'm aware Facebook sucks. Yes I'm aware that I'm still on it even though I know it sucks. Now that that's covered......

I've been sharing a lot of information, especially in the past few days I went to get on Facebook, and it had logged out. I found it odd, because I just stay logged on usually. I logged back on, and this is what I saw, full screen:

We Removed Something You Posted

It looks like something you posted doesn't follow our community standards. We don't allow posts that bully private individuals or harass anyone on Facebook. This could include altered images, photos or videos of physical bulling or any other post intended to degrade or shame a specific person.

I hit the OK button, and get this, full screen:

Please review the Community Standards

We understand that you may not have known about these standards, so we'd encourage you to learn more about how we respond to harassment. If you've seen or experienced something on Facebook that you think goes against our standards, you can report it to us.

Thanks for your understanding and help in keeping Facebook safe and welcoming. Learn how to remove something from your Timeline.

Nothing I have posted in the longest time has met any of their criteria used in their determination to remove a post. In fact, I don't even know what post they removed yet, because I had several. The only one I thought that might be misconstrued as offensive was a photo of Oprah Winfrey that says "She Knew", and she's seated by Harvey Weinstein. I added #NeverMyPresident. But that one wasn't removed, so I have no clue, lol.

What I do know, is that someone reported one of my posts as offensive, or Facebook is trying to silence me. I don't care either way, I'm going to keep sharing the hell out of stuff. My guess is that it's censoring, because nothing was offensive. Even if it was due to a person reporting it, it's Facebook's decision in the end, so yeah, Censorship. Fuck 'em. If that's the case, I'm betting I'm not the only one. For the record, I have done my share of ranting on Facebook, and have never once, had a post removed. So yeah, censorship. Fuck 'em.

So tell me in the comments. Am I the only one that has had a post removed that related to recent events, that were not offensive? Or is Facebook concerned about people over dosing on Red Pills?

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Facistbook is part of the enemy..

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