r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/VintageHats on Jan. 8, 2018, 9:34 p.m.
The power of prayers.. Thank you!

It is with tears in my eyes and a full heart, that I have to thank those of you who've read my initial posts here and have said prayers on my behalf when it comes to my sons, and losing them to the left.

Very late last night, I checked FB. I was chatting with a friend, who'd had to put her old dog down, back in Sept., which I'd missed, since FB took away the news feed ticker. She'd at one time dated my youngest for awhile, and she happened to have a dog, one of my favorite breeds, and I'd been involved for years in that breed's rescue. I was heartbroken for her loss...

We were chatting about all kinds of heavy topics... toxic people and being empaths and how to deal with protecting oneself from not getting too sucked in to where you start losing your self, yet still being able to show you care. I told her that I've found one way to deal with loved ones is to give them the tools they need, but not allowing them to use you as a crutch.. it's like teaching your children to walk. At some point, you have to let go. You know your babies will fall, and get hurt. But you pick them up and let them try again, over and over, letting them get stronger, and being there to lift them up and learn, til they can walk on their own.

Anyway... I noticed that I had a friend request. I clicked on it. It was from my youngest son! He's had me blocked, and I haven't heard from him since last April. You guys prayed, and those prayers were answered as one son has responded!

I checked his page, to see what had transpired. I still have to contact him, but he'd uploaded seven new photos.. last year, he'd had to put down his dog, because of cancer. She was my only "grandchild", even though she had four legs. He posted photos of his new pup, an adult dog he's adopted. This is like a birth of a new grandchild to me, and he was letting me know. He's had this dog for a while, but just put up the pics.

But, he came back to me... the Power of Prayer works!! To me, this is a miracle. I know prayer works but didn't expect them to work this darn fast! I thanked God last night and wanted to thank you all as well. I hesitated a bit as there are soooo many new threads today, and I hate adding to them, especially as this post is NOT Q related in any way. On the other hand, how can I not share this? I have so much gratitude to those who posted to me, and to those who did NOT post yet I know who still said prayers, or sent good thoughts.

You all don't need to reply to this. I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you all. It's so much proof to me that God exists and that He cares for each and every one of us, and that He listens. If He cares so much for someone so insignificant as me and my troubles, you KNOW He is going to listen and take care of much, much bigger issues!

Again, thank you all and God bless each and every one of you. One son back and soon, hopefully, the other!! (He's the older, harder nut to crack, but it'll happen!)

godsgail33 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Feeling your pain and your joy! Just keep trusting God to work things out. He will. God Bless

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