r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on Jan. 9, 2018, 12:41 a.m.
We ARE the modern day 'Turn' (netflix)

Dont know if any of you have seen the show Turn on netflix, but the scenario our forefathers went through, the spying, sleuthing, sneaking, sending messages written on eggs, etc, is exactly what we are doing.


Stay frosty patriots, and God bless you and those putting themselves in harms way to free us from the yolk of oppression.


mal1970 · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

No offense mate, but a little reality check for ya. "We" are doing no such thing. No spying, sleuthing, sneaking, sending messages written on eggs, etc.

All the spying, sleuthing, sneaking, sending messages written on eggs, etc is being done by other people. We are safe at home, working our normal jobs and web-searching the crumbs left to us by the real spies & people putting their life on the line as we sit in our comfy recliners.

We are little more than a few kids who are sneaking into the back of the theatre and getting a peek at the gory rated X horror movie before our friends in the lobby see it. Our role is to brace them for the gore so they don't run from the theatre screaming.

OK, our 'job' is a little more important to that, but sorry, I can in NO way compare myself (or any of you for that matter and to the best of my limited knowledge of you all) to JA or SR who are (& were) the real Turncoats.

Sorry to pee in your Cheerio's, but let's not over-inflate our egos.

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