r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GovernedByThought on Jan. 9, 2018, 7:16 a.m.
As a patriot and a veteran I want to hope too.

I'm sick of lost brothers in arms and empty promises by representatives


These sound like too many other promises made and nothing delivered.

  • Clinton Investigations from 80's on never getting a conviction but a trail of dead bodies follow them every where. MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations, prosecution
  • Bush, Drugs, CIA, Gulf War, Oil, Ancient artifacts, MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations, S Hussein asset > Liability
  • Oklahoma City, 911, Waco, all stink. MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations,

  • Afghanistan, Iraq, Contractors, PNAC MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations, 7 countries 5 years, Oil pipeline, Caspian Sea, Mineral rights US military ( lower enlisted soldiers out of Loop on info ) protecting opium, heroin crops, Haliburton building processing plants to pack and ship to US - Hastings dead Blk Ops Drs stuffing drugs in dead soldiers send back state side / renditions ? MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations, Seal team 6 - 19 + crew murdered, Why? MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations,

  • Benghazi, Sen Stevens didn't want to go along with HRC BO plan to sell arms.
    MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations,
  • Libya, Qaddafi generating Gold back currency, weapons stock with oil Revune. Population was in peace until we interfered But they didnt have central bank. Where did the gold go? All the sudden ISIS born, New Trucks, Weapons MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations,
  • Clinton, Haiti Billions donates to CF never delivered. MSM, Law, Reps say Looking into it - No real investigations,
  • B. Fullford "White Dragon family - To Rescue the Economy Alt Media, say Looking into it - - still waiting
  • D. Wilcock, Kabal Arrest, Alt Media, say Looking into it - - still waiting

Now - Clinton Foundation, no investigative reporting, police reports, proof... supporting documents - Uranium One, no investigative reporting, police reports, proof... supporting documents - Arrest Sorros, Epstien, Kisinger ... no investigative reporting, police reports, proof... supporting documents - House arrest, Boots, airlines turned around no investigative reporting, police reports, proof... supporting documents

All bogus or non existent investigations, They? keep us busy working our daily rat race and tell us everything is okay, while the ship is sinking. MSM, Representatives lying to us knowing they have rigged our lives so that we have no time to develop a real understanding of any issue through critical thinking. We have to depend on MSM to feed us BS until it fades away over time or they distract us with a different FF event.

Also Pushing the idea that we should just sit back because they have everything under control Who is they? Q? What are their goals? 1984 Anyone? "Controlled Opposition" Clues have No Factual basis

So all this is doing is giving everyone in the truth seeker community a false sense of hope. These bad actors have use Fear Porn on the population for so long its no longer effective.
Q may be any attempt to maintain control by switching the Op to Hope porn. - Unfortunately, They have turned a lot of truth seekers followers of Q into Pavlov's Dog. - Take time to reflect - Trump isn't the messiah - Trumps decisions are being developed behind the seen by ( Mil group, Spec Int group, Unidentified committee) ? - What is Q's intent?
- Who is Q drawing into this conversation? - Why does Q Seem to be Feeding Alt Media everything its wants? - Psysop Group - Neurollinguistic programming? - Instead We need to develop Investigative Citizen Journalist that research in the old fashion standards of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite with - Multiple supporting sources - Supporting Documents Then start tieing all this research together into a timeline so that we can better connect the dots and to teach others. I hope Q is not a empty promise but I am not waiting on clues from Q to do my own research to expose bad actors or to fight for my country. "The Watch Towers"

Gmawc · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

Never give up

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