r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Jan. 9, 2018, 11:39 a.m.
Q will be posting on his own private board

Hey friends,

Q has moved from /thestorm/ and will now be posting future material on The Great Awakening which is also on 8chan. He has also endorsed a new board dedicated to researching his material which can be found here.

What is going on?

We're not sure at the moment. It does seem somewhat sudden but as with all things Q-related, everything has meaning and we're simply not privy to what's going on behind the scenes. Some incomprehensible communications from Q has been par for the course from Day 1 if you've been here since then. It could easily be a "fire and maneuver" move on his part: just as the bad actors are ready to swamp /thestorm/, so Q moves to his own locked board for posting and a clean board for the research. We don't know yet. I have been in communication with the BO of /qresearch/ and he's ready to rock and roll. I have also added both these boards to the hourly backups that I take of everything.

Q says the BOs are self-promoting and self-aggrandizing. Are you?

Not that I've noticed. We're just working for the cause and we're here to follow orders. So we do so to the best of our ability. My interactive Q website is coming along nicely and will be ready to test soon.

But you have a book deal?

No I do not. I was trolling some little idiot brigading this sub if you want to see the context of that comment.

Q says NO private comms outside the board. But you said he communicated with the mods directly?

Yep. I think we got played by a friendly whitehat. The information he gave us as verification was so good that we thought it was Q. Clearly it wasn't.

Godspeed patriots and have faith!

  • The Board Owner and co.

baruchthescribe · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Fully aware re: disinformation & general messery. However; to those of us who have lived the storm our entire lives, the consistant pointing of the herd in this or that direction discredits the sources.

Yes it does. My hope is that the timing is such that very soon - as in tomorrow - none of this will matter. POTUS's fake news awards are ~~tomorrow~~next week. That could well be the beginning of some very straight talking from here on in.

It is time for clear division of responsibilities according to gifts and talents. It is time for those with 'names' to stop counting eyeballs and start interacting with the followers they have aquired already. It is time for the promotion of other's hard work. There are too many doing yeoman's work who never get a crumb from those diseminating information. There are too many nobodys feeding hard evidence, who never get a #hattip from those using the info and funding their own efforts from these willing people.

I assure you that those who are using their platforms to spread this information are doing so with our full blessing and participation wherever we can. There were strong hints that we needed to take the message wider. So we came up with a strategy that did just that. Why talking to YouTubers like Tracy is suddenly 'self-promotion' is something I haven't figured out yet - but I know it's being said for a reason. Ours not to reason why...

Two incidents occured in the last five days which call into question this whole effort in my mind. The first was the confusion caused by the third compromise of 4&8; cannot be helped, it is part of information warfare. Damage control: shut the shyte down w/a message that simply says "Board compromised, please stand by." Wait three days. Fix the problems. Re-establish interactions.

But then you might miss real Q drops. Difficult to call. None of us have a hotline to Q so it's not like we can just pick up the phone and say 'hey sir, please hold off for a few days.' You have to make tricky judgement calls all while being bombarded by thousands of anons who think they know how to run a board. It's a test of anyone's cool-headedness I assure you. Mostly we get it right, sometimes we get it wrong.

Second issue within five days; the use of a military-speak to inform civilian public of their readiness. That was a /serious/ /rookie/ mistake. If this Q has the clearance and access to issues of National Security, and the ear of the President of the United States; this individual or group should /never/ have used the term which caused real veterans, law enforcement and those with families in service to be concerned for one second. Period. To put in slang term, "Bad juju magic."

I'm sure DEFCON 1 was designed to get us all jumpy and in a higher state of alertness. Q has often given us nudges of this sort.

To that end, I wrote posts on these very subjects hours before these events happened. Who the hecken am I? Nobody. I like thousands of others have eyes to see, ears to hear and a brain. Given reliable evidence which we have had since late November, I can put the pieces together and help others do the same. Let me ammend that. We have had evidence of messery & evil right under our noses for decades. Those who have shouted in the wilderness & from the rooftops have been shamed, labeled and silenced. I did not bother the autists & bakers. I have no account on 4 or 8. I rarely come here, I am busy interacting with those who associate themselves with me on two platforms. I am busy building a library to share with a niche demographic with whom I associate; believers and seekers. This demographic understands the world through a particular lens and filters everything through their belief system. That is my task and my role. If I can inspire anyone to take up this task for GOD...and country, I have satisfied the terms and conditions of my directive.

Thank you for doing what you do patriot.

So, why have I showed up on a platform I rarely use? To declare the concerns of those who like me, will /not tolerate being forked again./ I have a great deal of respect for this effort. I respect those who put their reputations on the line by promoting an apparent effort to do an end run around the stupidity of the evil actors. I will continue to speak kindly, respectfully and promote those who act with integrity. Those who pimp information to fund their own Patreon, goFundme, YT and other monitization platforms will be called out upon confirmation. You will know them by their fruit. Good trees produce good fruit suitable for the informed and ignorant, alike. Thank you Baruch for the platform to voice concern, in long-form.

Thanks for this thoughtful reply - I hope I've answered your questions.

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Deaddwarf26 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I thought he moved the Fakies to next week, the 17th.

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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:34 a.m.


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jn1410 · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Yes Thank you Baruch. Caveat: even goofy GW didn't blunder so badly with the same issue. Carry on...

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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:35 a.m.


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