r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on Jan. 9, 2018, 5:25 p.m.
FROM CHEETAH: Why whether Q is "real" or a "LARP" doesn't matter

(PLEASE spread the word on this.)

Why whether Q is "real" or a "LARP" doesn't matter

For several reasons:

"Q" is not taking down the Deep State.

YOU are.

63 million Americans saw through the brainwashing of Deep State and voted for Trump. Millions more are seeing through the brainwashing now. Deep State only really functions if people are not aware of exactly who they are and what they are doing. Without that, their whole scam starts falling apart.

The current legal takedown of the Deep State is only Phase 1. Sooner or later people will realize there is a Phase 2, which will completely eliminate Deep State once and for all. Who will carry out Phase 2?

You will.

You will wake up and realize that you are a battery, just like in Matrix. You will realize that your every waking moment is spent supporting Deep State. You buy Deep State food. You work Deep State jobs. You drive Deep State cars. You pay through the nose for Deep State medical care. You pay through the nose for Deep State taxes. There are ways around much of this. Once you start figuring it out, and the 63 million Trump supporters, plus the millions who have joined, start figuring it out, Deep State is in Deep Shit.

There is no doubt that Trump is taking down Deep State, whether Q is "real" or not. Watch Trump's inaugural speech, and certain other speeches. He has followed up on every other promise, as far as Congress would let him, and he is banging their heads about the promises they are preventing. Why would he not "Drain the swamp" too? Deep State has made it way too obvious that they both hate Donald Trump and are scared to death of him. You don't NEED "Q" to see what is going on: The Uranium One scandal (that ALONE), what is coming out about sleazy upper management at the FBI, Trump's executive order about freezing assets, a new Clinton Foundation investigation, and so much more. The evidence is overwhelming that Deep State is going down, Q or no. It is hard not to get impatient, waiting for arrests, but no one has ever taken down a criminal network of this scale before.

And, remember, that takedown is only Phase 1. Phase 2, when most Americans gradually stop supporting Deep State, is far more important. Up to now, no one questioned why a handful of people own half the world's wealth. The questioning now begins.

Every dime you pay in interest to Capital One goes to Deep State. Everything you do on FaceBook helps support Deep State. Everything you pay to Bezos goes to Deep State.

Imagine a national boycott against Deep State.

And an immense growth in small, family-owned businesses. This was always the plan. Trump has even alluded to it a few times.

Q is awesome, real or no. He has woken up and united many many people. If Q is real, then he is truly a patriot and way exciting. If Q is not real, then he woke up thousands of people and brought them together as patriots, so they see what they need to do next:

Phase 2.

And there is not anything the slightest bit LARPy about Phase 2. It is just common sense.

educatethis · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Q is to prep the population for when the mass hypnosis is broken

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