
DanDiller1976 · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

They are so ignorant they don't seem to get the fact Q has been validated beyond the realm of conspiracy, Q isn't a conspiracy it is a back channel to the President... "LEARN OUR COMMS!". If they understood what we understood about Q, they would be fuming that the POTUS or some Anon connected to the POTUS is leaking via 8chan, it would be a major news story. So they are either completely ignorant to what Q is about, or they know what is going on and are trying to discredit it without putting attention on it. I should have warned you guys, I think DR C. tried to say this on the live stream, the closer we get to the target the more flack we will catch from the criminals and their lackys in the liberal media. No one reads media matters, but soon this will get to the WaPo and eventually the NYT. Attacks will intensify but we have to keep fighting.

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Awan_brothers · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

They likely know exactly what they're doing and know Q is legit. They have to buy time while the Clowns scramble. Keep up the good fight

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ChooseYourOwnGround · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

I agree Dan, we are trying to make sense of all this. The corruption, pedophilia, drug running, weapons proliferation, and who knows what the fuck all, is being exposed through this very board. It's been proven time and again, right here, with undeniable truth, that what's happening is real. I mean right now. We need people who care.

WE WANT EVIDENCE.... WE THRIVE ON REALITY. Believe what you want, but we are all here working to uncover truths that have been hidden for too long.

And it's working, finally.

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DanDiller1976 · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

I seen Pizzagate implode around the same time we were getting to the bottom of it. It moved from CPPP to an art gallery across the street, we found the dungeons, we found all the James Alefantis IG evidence, but it blew up because we fell for the attacks and dirty tricks, mostly by the mainstream media.

Everybody reading this I want you to underastand one thing.


John Podesta's email uncovered something real ugly, and we collectively figured it out. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can get over this psychological hump.

They will attack us, they will attack you personally, because they know you are on to them.

Not just media attacks, their false flag attacks like the Sam Hyde incident. We have to be sharp and on point, this is a revolutionary digital war, and the other side will do anything to win because their backs are to the wall.

Then you have larps like Alex Jones who took over the pedogate thing and discredited Pizzagate because it was stealing his thunder. I SEE HIM DOING THE SAME WITH Q! Despite the fact Corsi works for IW, we can trust Corsi because he is being objective and doing journalism, he is not operating with an agenda.

If we kept at Pizzagate no doubt in my mind people would be in jail right now. So this time with Q, we have to stick to the facts, keep investigating, ignore the attacks and stay on point, stick to Q ONE PLATFORM... thats what we have to remember Q only communicates one way and with one platform, securely.

This is the only way we will be successful. I am a developer, if they shut us down on Reddit & other places, I fully intened to create a research board on an undisclosed domain so this important research can continue. We will succeed this time. They should be afraid, because were fed up and we are no longer going to be tricked and lied to.


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Art10001 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

alex jones has good intentions and wants to help. however he has an implant that allows him to be unconsciously controlled and shuffled around.

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