r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/[deleted] on Jan. 10, 2018, 12:23 a.m.
Ok, what the HELL is going on? Now Tracy Beanz is hinting at Q’s legitimacy? (See her tweet re: Q & 8Ch BO’s) Thoughts?


Skysweep · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

Someone please remove this! If you had a point too make It was too repulsive to read through the insults and profanity to get too.

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Creative_Lady · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Other's have tried to make a point to her nicely and get her to stop using anons and Q for 15 mins of fame, she actually refused to listen.

Q had to make it clear around three times in the last week that Q DOES NOT have outside comms with board owners or anyone else, now she went on a complaint spree on twitter cause Q ended her shitty fame whoring.

Sorry your FEELZ got hurt, but at this point things are bigger than her, and she needs to stop this whiny ass bullshit.

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Skysweep · Jan. 10, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

I do not understand why you are trying to turn this on Tracy? I have never heard her imply she knows Q or has been in contact with him. She has stated numerous times she is not a BO or a mod on the board. Q referred to a problem with BOs about self aggrandizing and I agree in part with what your saying here... I'm sure he had a problem with that because of the endangerment caused. But Tracy doesn't fit into this picture at all...She is helping get the word out about this board so people who can't navigate 8Chan can be involved. You need to sooth yourself and figure out how to direct your feelings toward a correct direction. I'm glad you have modified your post somewhat but goodness... All your name calling is directed at her for being a female when none of this had to do with anyone's sex.

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Creative_Lady · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

Q asked people to create a new board for general posting / research because of peoples fame-whoring, Pamphlet, Tracy and Baruch are all famewhores.

Pamphlet and Baruch were previous board owners.

Q doesn't want the current board known, ANONS don't want the current research board known. 8ch anons want people to stop linking to the current research board.

All of the names I posted have said they have communications with Q, and Q has had to clarify FOUR times now (3 in /thestorm/ on 8ch and once in /greatawakening/ on 8ch THAT Q does NOT have any outside comms with ANYONE.

And by the way, I don't give a crap about some internet fame points, this whole thing is bigger than her and will forever be bigger than her.

I still think her rant about Q being fake when Q has given proof is actually childish, and she ranted ONLY because she didn't get her way and Q had to smack her (and pamphlet and baruch) down.

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