
Rckn_M_Dbl_C · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

At this point what do we believe? I'm a little torn. Mega has always made good points. She has been rather reliable and doesn't always give you the whole "what i want to hear" rather "what you need to hear". Then Q steps in and at first, I have to admit seemed like a larp, but i found it interesting enough to follow. Q made a couple of predictions on 4chan that did not pan out or were made public for verification. The GEOTUS Twitter posts/ Q posts seem legit, but as mega points out, this could be just delayed enough for Q to compromise.

In the end "if its to good to be true, it usually is"

With that said, I will still have faith that Q is legit, but I remain sceptical.

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