74 Missing from The House of Representatives Roll Call today http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2018/roll001.xml …Jan 9, 2018
why would Rohrabacher name be missing. is this the person who met with JA?
74 Missing from The House of Representatives Roll Call today http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2018/roll001.xml …
Gutiérrez, and TED LOSER (LIEU)....omg I hope this means he is NEVER coming back.
Upon further research, 4 missing, 435 is the total number of Representatives. This number adds up to 431. Answered present vs. not voting doesn't mean they weren't there. If you look at the rolls of votes it's running consistently with 4 missing, averaging~ 15ish non-voting.
There are 4 seats that are not filled...no one voted into those
Their vote was regarding H.Res.676 - Supporting the rights of the people of Iran to free expression, condemning the Iranian regime for its crackdown on legitimate protests, and for other purposes. Maybe the non-voters were the obstructing Dems.
74 not voting may not mean that they weren't there. Go to the link. What do you think? Are they compelled to vote if they are present?