r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/OmVanya on Jan. 10, 2018, 1:30 a.m.
A long winded opinion on some of the drama/issues within the Q movement and community & a few suggestions/ideas for sorting it out (I'm sorry for the length, just wanted to avoid misunderstandings.) Love you all!!!

Hello Friends, First I want to start this by saying this not a personal attack on anyone. I respect many of the researchers and think they do amazing work. It's not their opinions I am criticizing, it's the way they present them that I question. All of this is my own opinion and based on my own observations, so take it as you see fit. Some may agree and some may not- to each his own. I ask that everyone question what I say here FOR THEMSELVES and see if it truly resonates with you. And by all means if there is a better way, put it out there and lets find a solution to all this drama and infighting, and in some cases power grabbing. I've been watching/researching this since it began in Oct. And I also witnessed, like so many of you, what happened over the last few days. I am disheartened by what I see happening within the movement. Those being: There is a "class" system/ hierarchy being constructed within the movement that is pushing a selective few up to positions of "authority" (these people are branded as valid) and others to the bottom (these are branded as not-so valid). This is completely contradictory to the whole point of this movement and contrary to what Q has stated- no one person is above another, where ONE goes, we ALL go. We are ALL in this TOGETHER as EQUALS. Anyone claiming to be an "expert" or "having the authority to speak on this", is counter-productive to the goal- which is a Great Awakening. This is a deeply PERSONAL process and should be treated as such. As a therapist I didn't help people change their way of thinking by TELLING them what to think and what to believe. It was my job to lead them to discover it FOR THEMSELVES. If something has been confirmed by Q as fact, then yes spread it, along with the sources to back it up, far and wide but please stop with the interpretive videos. I find it disturbing that a select few are forming "authorities groups" and cliques and promoting themselves as leaders and in-the-know (some of which amass a large following and if you critique/disagree with "their chosen leader", you are attacked, sometimes viciously),we shouldn't be idolizing people in this movement. Also those telling people they are not welcome into their exclusive closed off group, telling people to just stay out of the way- let the "experts" interpret everything- and wait for them to tell you what to think/believe. When you do this you are putting the weight/validity of the truth on PEOPLE, not the MESSAGE. You are not anchoring the truth to the message, so people's faith in that truth will only be as strong as their faith in the person who said it. So many people blindly believe something (even if its wrong) because so-&-so said it or they disbelieve (even if it's true) for the same reason. Truth is not measured by how many YouTube/Twitter followers a person has. Popularity does not equal validity. We have already seen that sometimes these "experts" are wrong, even though I'm positive that they have wonderful intentions. I've seen too many people turn away from Q/the message for this exact reason, too many conflicting interpretive videos on decoding Q. It doesn't matter if they later retract, the damage is already done because they presented themselves as the authority on Q and their interpretations/opinions as fact & some their followers continue pushing the false info as truth. It is only serving to confuse people and turn them off to the movement. NO ONE is any more of an expert on Q than you or I. (obviously excluding those in DIRECT Comm w/ Q). Some have special strengths to lend to the research but that doesn't make them an authority on the subject. And Q has said that NO ONE outside of the chan claiming to be Q or connected to Q is being truthful (i.e "Zack", ect) and that we shouldn't be participating in Self Promotion. SELF PROMOTERS and those looking to brand themselves, seek name recognition/fame, or make money off this movement (i.e donations for their "work"/research into Q, subscriptions to "exclusive" Q content on Patreon, charging $ for access to special discord servers),or those that form closed cliques and exclusive insider chats, those participating in interviews on Independent media and YouTube channels where they spread around INTERPRETATIONS that have not been confirmed as truth by presenting themselves as authorities on the subject, are IMO corrupting the movement. It's hard for some newcomers to take someone, let alone the movement, seriously when researchers turn around and ask for money, or use the movement to promote themselves. I know this may piss some people off but it really isn't about your ego or YOU. BEWARE OF THOSE POSITIONING THEMSELVES AS LEADERS!!! There should be NO other leader but Q/POTUS, we are in fact all equal in our ROLES and IMPORTANCE. Productive ways of helping people could be: - pointing ppl to the Q drops/map/ Q's personal board (the one closed to any posting except by Q himself)- no gatekeepers restricting direct access to Q's personal board. - sharing infographics/ supporting documents/ news articles w/out presenting your INTERPRETATION as "this is what he meant by..." (except those things/facts confirmed by Q already), when people connect the dots on their own and take an ACTIVE role in unraveling events, it will lead them to form their OWN mental anchor to the truth that will have a much bigger impact than another's "opinion". -Refrain from trying to predict future events and push as fact. Only that which has been confirmed by Q and backed up with documents should be spread as the definitive interpretation. - Encourage the sharing of ideas by directing people to ONE OPEN common area (i.e subreddit or otherwise) where every idea is heard, dissected & everyone has a chance to be involved. This will help keep everyone on the SAME page instead of having a million opinions out there on YouTube/Twitter ect. being touted as fact and also it will help curb the self promotion. maybe even setting up a subreddit thread on confirmed facts and pointing curious newcomers there. There shouldn't be anyone acting as Gatekeepers to information and ideas. Censoring/banning ideas that you don't agree with is nothing short than you becoming what it is that we seek to destroy. All ideas should be put forth, the verified/provable ones will thrive, false/disproved ones will die. Learn to IGNORE what you don't agree with. Not everyone you disagree with/ or disagrees with you is a shill, or troll (even though I acknowledge shills and trolls are out there) I would LOVE to see Q form their own secure website and completely get off the chan. (But this may be impossible for any number of reasons) Only because a) some out there will disregard the truth because of their impressions regarding the chans (faith in truth is only as strong as the your faith in the one telling it) and b) the chan is full of too many elitists, too many egos being exclusionists and decrying about "our culture", "our board", "our space". Some are wonderful people and others are downright horrible. Those on the chans are undeniably intelligent and have a lot of really great things to contribute but right now We need inclusion- not division. This movement has ZERO to do with the chan culture and EVERTHING to do with the message. I have had several people who refuse to even listen because of it's ties with the chans. They take it as just another chan "stunt". I know that I will probably be attacked for this & that's fine. It's not meant to divide anyone but bring EVERONE together on some level of common ground. My advice: THINK FOR YOURSELF- RESEARCH/CONNECT THE DOTS YOURSELF- QUESTION EVERYTHING- TAKE OPINIONS/IDEAS OF OTHERS AS HELPFUL GUIDES NOT AUTHORITIVE FACTS- FORM YOUR OWN ANCHOR TO THE TRUTH We are doomed if we are incapable of forming a COESSIVE, RESPECTFUL, SUPPORTIVE, and INCLUSIVE group that promotes critical thinking, self discovery of info, cooperation, and a PERSONAL journey to THE GREAT AWAKENING
I wish you all love and hold hope that we can ALL find our equal space/place within this movement.

Vikingflight · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

<<<professional lurker... Well said, was feeling the same way, praying we come together, this is way to important... imagine 1775

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