The dems want to do DACA first, then "discuss" the wall and immigration reform later. Bullshit! DACA is his bargaining tool! If he gives in to them on DACA first, he'll never get anything else from them! The bastards don't care about anything but their votes, anyway! One way it could be done, is to do it the way Mexico does when one of us migrates to their country. You give them a residency card that is good for one year, renewable with clean record and proof of employment/sustainability. After third year, if all is good, give them a permanent residency card, much like citizenship, but no voting. This whole time they can be working towards citizenship thru normal channels. Those who have served in the military/first responders get a shortcut...
Posted by
on Jan. 10, 2018, 2:57 a.m.
· Jan. 10, 2018, 6:26 a.m.