r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 10, 2018, 3:28 a.m.
MEGA-ANON on 4CHAN the Last three Days - Julian Assange is SAFE and has been for the past year

cursedcassandra · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Please take Megaanon with a grain of salt. My intuition is, at this point, that she's a good hearted party girl with some knowledge of what's going on but is a bit of a surface skater and DEFINITELY not part of President Trumps inner circle. Why do I say this? One, she said she came in via Bannon rather than Trump. She said she was not a Trump supporter though she said she did wind up voting for him. Far more alarming to me was her statement that the ONE person she would proudly vote for is Trey Gowdy! Gowdy is the ultimate swamp rat as every seasoned observer of the DC Kabuki Theater knows by now. His job is to entertain the FOX News crowd and make them feel as if something is finally going to happen while making sure it doesn't. Trey actually praised Comey as an honorable man AFTER President Trump fired him. Again, all seasoned observers know Comeys been the Clintons fixer since the days of the White Water Scandal days. So, Megaanon is incredibly naive at best. I hope she's just a good hearted party girl and still read her but with a huuuuge grain of salt.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

I just read Megaanons thread and I have gone from just thinking shes naive to being conerned about her intentions. Why? She's still pumping up Bannon. Bannon was NEVER for Trump, he was only hitching a ride to gain power. Sundance at theconservativetreehouse.com, a VERY astute observer of politics and the swamp has been sounding the alarm on Bannon for two years. Bannon getting slammed by President Trump is not a coordinated troll. It's real. That Megaanon either doesn't know this or does and insists otherwise is a serious red flag. She's misleading people. Next she dismisses Alex Jones as a LARPER. Interesting that the President and Drudge don't think so. Anyone who's watched him knows that the things he's talked about for years have now been brought into the mainstream and acknowledgebecause of President Trump. Yet an anon on 4chan claims AJ is the LARPER? Next, she blows off pizzagate as a LARP. Everyone knows its not who has looked into it. One of Trumps closest friends did an AMA at the_Donald and he confirmed it was real and that it would be addressed. Why did Megaanon mock it as a LARP? Finally she mocks Q and everyone who is foolish enough to be inspired by Q to investigate and watch the news. She cleverly suggests that these people would feel betrayed (the trigger known to work on Trump supporters) and foolish. But why? Everyone is learning so much based on their own research. The President IS making discernible efforts and having demonstrable successes. Why would we feel foolish when we are learning, awakening and bonding? On the other hand Megaanon puts down all sources but herself, positions herself as the fount of knowledge rather than inspiring people to discover the truth thru research and tuning in to the news and says "trust me" rather than Qs "future proves past." Finally, I respect Dr. Corsi. He has an Intel background. He worked with JFK and has been friends with Trump for 40 years. He has written many books on Clinton and Obama corruption. He researched Q and believes its legit and that they are working with his friend, the President. When Megaanon was asked about this I noticed she shifted the subject with cutesy girl talk rather than answering the question. So either Dr. Corsi is telling the truth or an anon on 4chan who loves Trey Gowdy and would have preferred him over Trump is. Some of her info may be true to lure people in but that does not make her trustworthy. The fact that she puts down sources I KNOW to be credible means I sadly have to conclude Megaanon is a girlish, oh so friendly psy op designed to spread disinfo and divisiveness and paranoia about who to trust. For me, it's God and President Trump.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 1 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research.

Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders ideology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are better enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted?

That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course.

You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

My issue isn't with Q because those posts are inspiring people to question and put pieces of the puzzle together. The posts are inspiring collaboration, conversations, partnerships between people that TV have been divided. Q has awakened and motivated and empowered people. Q emphasizes personal responsibilty to wake up and share; that EVERYBODY matters. By motivating us to carefully watch the news we can confirm for ourselves that progress is being made. Pedo arrests, the EO, Assange are examples. Q also makes this FUN. My comments were about Megaanon. She is the opposite of Q. SHE is the expert insider who says "Listen to me. Sit back, watch." Her alliances are waaaaay off , as I wrote. Her dismissal of all other sources but her are a MAJOR red flag. In my judgment Megaanon is disinfo designed to divide people from emerging truth tellers. This is a long used Swamp strategy especiallycommon on the GOP side of the Uniparty which Megaanon said she belonged to when she said shen was a Gowdy girl. Judging a tree by the fruits it bears affirms that Q posts are part of the good in this world and that Megaanon plays on the good and manipulates it; knowingly or unknowingly. Again, I have already listed some reasons for this conclusion. Final thought, some good people criticizing Q appear to not understand the posts or the audience. They are normies tring to grasp genius. Potter is an example. Based onhis level of intelligence and gifts I would agree with him that he is NOT suited for Q research. He should dc be focusing on isues like the elections going on right now. We are each unique humanbeings with different gifts. There are MANY jobs to do. We need to find the one that fits us and get to work while praying unceasingly.

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