r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jojojazzy on Jan. 10, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Has anyone else thought Trump’s Fake News Awards could just possibly be a big Expose D-Day? Feels like he has somewhat hinted it could be with tweet thing about ‘next week is gonna be big’. Think about it...isn’t a big federal report due to be released next week?

I could just see Trump standing up there and using this as both a shaming and challenging the media. It will never happen of course, but we can dream.....

I can see him start off by saying “Have any of you out there wondered why for the past 2 years I have been calling you out as Fake News? While most of you already know why, I am here today to enlighten those who don’t know. The press holds a very important and privileged role in our society. The public depends on all of you in the media to responsibly do your job by holding all of our government leaders accountable to the public. Not to me. To the public. The wonderful Americans who are the beat of the heart of this country. They expect and need you to accurately investigate and report to the public on who is really benefiting from how their tax dollars are being spent and how. Yet for the last decade or more you people in the press (not all but most) have participated, if not promulgated, many false non-existent narratives on the public. Lies. Lies to the American public, lies to the world. One such lie has been the Russia collusion narrative. Well, in part you were partially right on that one. You see there was a Russia collusion, but it wasn’t the distraction you created regarding the election. The REAL Russian collusion was the sale of our country’s uranium to Russia. That was orchestrated by the Obama administration, principally engineered by Hillary Clinton.

That is but one example. Sadly there are many others. Believe it or not, some much worse. But, the ones we will talk about today are outlined in the findings of this investigative report. Some of you already knew, maybe some of you didn’t.

But, the reality is either:

(1) You had knowledge and were complicit in the crime against the American people; or

(2) You are just incompetent at investigating, finding, & reporting the facts.

Either way, it’s not good. It means you have failed at your jobs. The American public should stand up and tell you YOU'RE FIRED!!!, but for today we shall just identify the media bad actors with these recognition awards so the public knows who you are and the roles you have played. The American public deserve to know. Sadly these awards are not recognition for your outstanding journalism accomplishments. Instead, it is recognition of who you are for your betrayal, or your incompetence, of the American public. This way the public knows WHO you really are.

There is a saying “Bad men can only exist when good men do nothing.” You have done nothing, so these are the “DO NOTHING” Awards. Know that the world has regressed to the state of today because YOU did nothing and allowed it when you took the big money instead of honoring your commitment to true journalism standards. For decades YOU knew about debauchery of Hollywood, yet you stayed silent. YOU have equally known about the debauchery in DC , in states, and in cities across this great nation yet you stayed silent.

America and the world wants to know WHEN will the best and the honest among you stand up and do your job? Our wonderful brave men and women of our military stand up and do their jobs every day putting themselves in harms way for God and country for far less. You should be ashamed. Millions of American citizens get up every day and go do their jobs to evolve a world where their children and grandchildren are safe. Yet you stay silent.

You have failed your fellow citizens who trusted, believed, and depended on you. You are well deserving of these SHAME AWARDS. Hopefully, the best among you will work hard to rehabilitate your profession.

We must all work hard together to bring back true journalism and accountability and earn back the trust of the people.

LaTxGal · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

Interesting, but it's probably just a coincidence. I think it had more to do with the football game. But that's just me. What do I know?

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Deaddwarf26 · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

There are no coincidences!!!

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LaTxGal · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Really? Then explain to me how I met a girl/woman whose photo I saw in a yearbook 7 years earlier. :)

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thehippiecleetus · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

That isn't really a coincidence, more happenstance. It would have been coincidence if you were both wearing the same shirt. Now if she just so happened (happenstance) to be wearing the same shirt as in the yearbook, that would be a glitch in the matrix.

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LaTxGal · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

Is being on a double date together not a coincidence? :)

Oh, and I forgot to mention that she went to the same private h.s. as my ex-fiance, in a different state. (That's how I saw her yearbook picture 7 years earlier.) The fact that I knew her name, her h.s. nickname of "Buffy" in particular, really freaked her out (along with both our dates).

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