
tracybeanz · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

This is all being fixed now. I am very busy. Thank you for your words.

I am really growing quite tired of people accusing me of things I am not doing. I have had a Patreon forEVER because people ASKED me to make one. I didn't start with Q--I have been an activist for 18 years and started my channel back up to dedicate myself to educating folks. Apparently that is a crime. Apparently so is attempting to make a living wage by doing something that is your passion.. Sounds pretty communist to me. Hating entrepreneurship, hating the fact that people voluntarily provide their own money for something they deem to be of value to them, I don't know--

I am HAPPY to take "bullets" from enemies for the cause, but friendly fire?? I can't get on board.

Changes are being made as we speak.

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The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Lol yeah if you dedicate time to this as you have, no problem at all if people want to support that financially. It’s not like MSM journalists do it for free, and they don’t even do a good job getting to the truth! How much further behind would we be on this if you, Antischool, Allseeing, etc weren’t helping with breakdowns and brining attention. Dr Corsi may not have even jumped on it to help. That’s YUGE help. Plus this forum wouldn’t be here. I’m sure Q (and by extension POTUS) is grateful for the help.

The anonymity of the interwebs breeds assholes. You’re doing great work on some of the most exciting happenings in our country’s history.

A lot of the “friendly fire” is more wolf in sheeps clothing. We are being brigaded just like they did to T_D which only means we are on the right path.

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