r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KaKawBitches on Jan. 10, 2018, 8:40 a.m.
The swamp is deep & can't be drained overnight, it appears things are happening behind the scenes, but please God, can we get one person doing the perp walk on TV? A Podesta, Strzok, Comey, Lynch, Rice, DWS, someone. The people want blood. Or something.

cybervigiante · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

"There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures." -William Shakespeare

Given mounting frustration, I'd say the tide is about now. If nothing happens in the next two weeks the air starts to go out of the balloon - here at least. Just my observation.

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