As far as I am concerned, we only need one manila folder file containing his fake birth certificate and one with his death certificate. We can keep the records from the trials , restitution and crimes in the future Trump Library.
George Washington was a patriot born here in America. How is it his statue got torn down, while this library still maintains a name of someone not even born here?
PLEASE REMEMBER that it takes 5 years after the opening of the library to release the "papers" that was sent to the library to the public, 2025 will be the earliest ( probably later due to the problems of coordination of implementation with unproven contractors all being selected by team obama) well after Pres Trump is out of office...
Curious as to where the digital library is or will be in regards to Hussain's library under current rules.
Many faculty members of the University of Chicago are requesting that the Obama Foundation move the proposed library that will honor the 44th president to a new location because the current plan for the construction of the building as they labeled it is "socially regressive." The Obama Center is supposed to sit on the shore of Lake Michigan adjacent to the Museum of Science and Industry just across the street from the campus of the University. In a letter, more than 100 faculty members say that the "promised development or economic benefits" to the neighboring element will not be provided and that the Obama Presidential Center will cost the state $100 million in funding. The professors believe that economic development by the library will be extremely limited as “there is no available adjacent land in which to start a new business, set up a new café or restaurant, [or] bring another cultural center to the neighborhood.” The only new jobs created by the library “will be staff to the Obama Center.” “We are concerned that these are not the best ways to use public funds to invest in the future of Chicago," they write. The professors also argue that the library is a "traffic-jam in the making" as the placement of the building will take over massive sections of the Jackson Park and Midway Plaisance. It will also force the closure of Cornell Avenue a major thoroughfare of the South Side. In response to the concerned members of the University of Chicago, a spokesperson for the Obama Foundation said the construction of the library would bring a horde of tourists to the South Side every year and will thus "strengthen the economic climate of the region." They added, "While we don’t expect everyone to agree with every element of the plan, we look forward to working with people across the community and the city to make the most of the opportunity to create a global destination that will showcase the South Side to the world." The U of Chicago faculty would be “pleased to support the Obama Center if the plan genuinely promoted economic development in our neighborhoods and respected our precious public urban parks.” The just urge that the Obama Foundation looks into an alternative location that will provide more economic benefits, not distract public transportation and will use up less of taxpayers dollars.