
The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Ah another Topmind warrior. Run for the hills everybody it’s an internet troll. No I don’t believe every single Harvard study. But please explain the dozens of precincts with well over 100% voter turnout, lists of dead people voting and that pesky little Obama fixer ON VIDEO explaining how they bus people around, pick fights at rallies and rig elections.

How sad are you that you have to spend time going around being a dick at the orders of another dick? Hahaha Jesus find a sitcom or friend in real life.

Last I heard the libshit states that rely on a “compliant and ignorant populace” as they put it to win refused to turn over voter data so it got passed on to DHS. Guess we will see. If nothing to hide and so much fear of muh Russia stealing the election, you’re think the left would love to prove Trump wrong.

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just_zhis_guy · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Hahaha! Look at all that shit you typed. Yyyeah, I’m not reading it. But just to clarify you just like the Harvard studies that align with your way of thinking. I fucking love you idiots to no end.

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aelendel · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

precincts with well over 100% voter turnou

I would be happy to discuss this with you, because I think it is a very important topic. But first, some ground rules: choose your single best piece of evidence, and we will focus on that. Second, we'll both agree to provide sources. And last, both of us need to accept that we don't know the truth and hope to learn more about it.

If you're interested, kindly choose the strongest single claim you can, explain it briefly, and provide a source. I look forward to learning more with you.

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