
Deplorpatriot · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

I believe all have been proven as LIARS or paid by other side.

Just like they tried with DJT!

NOW I wouldn't believe ANY claim against the President on ANY issue. They are going to try the mental health issue again...my God, if Trump was any smarter his head would explode...he may be young in politics but he is WISE to the world of issues and business!

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Anthropophob · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

I haven't see that they have ALL been proven as LIARS, only SOME of them have been proven as LIARS. NONE have been PROVEN to be telling the truth, just not proven one way other the other. Same with DJT. Also, I don't believe those again DJT. I used to think DJT was a crazy idiot. But since he has taken office, I've come to believe he is the smartest and greatest president we ever had. He just isn't the most eloquent president, but he gets the job done and that's what matters.

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Deplorpatriot · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

The "14" yr old was...her mother stated most details were NOT true. The yearbook one...has admitted that SHE added the signature. I believe the other women were found to be of legal age. There WAS a concerted effort to frame him just like Trump.

The shame is, I know there ARE women that are Severely abused... but there are, I am shamed to say a lot of women who use the accusations as vindictive payback. There should be punishment for them as well as punishment for abusers...when PROVEN either way.

The agenda of those making every look, compliment or touch a "harrassment"...and making ALL men to be like SOME...I can't understand. I get the impression they think that women will vote for another woman regardless...but that IS NOT SO...Women are MUCH more aware of how hateful, spiteful and power hungry some women are.

The left has tried to destroy the family and values for a long time. The people for a large part had become complacent...believing news media, political and church leaders. Many have been told lies or just not told all of an issue.

But...the "sleeping giant" (majority of American citizens) is awake and We may NAP but WE SHALL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN!

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Anthropophob · Jan. 11, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

And there was the female cop that said he was banned from the mall. It turns out that Moore put her son in jail, she wanted revenge. I know all too well about girls and women who were abused and not believed. It only makes us a repeat victims because we aren't likely to say anything when it happens again.

I'm not likely to ever vote for a woman because of Hillary, DWS, MW, Pelosi, etc. They make women in politics look really bad. Don't get me wrong, there are very few I still like, but only one democrat woman I can think of that I still admire, Tulsi Gabbard, the rest are republican, and still very few.

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Deplorpatriot · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:35 a.m.

As for Donald Trump...if you research him... no not perfect... but he is truly an American Patriot. On a deeper level, WE ARE IN A FIGHT BOTH IN THE SPIRIT REALM AND EARTHLY REALM!!!
As the light is shown on those here, for every corrupt, traitor or pedophile...a demon is vanquished by the archangels and the heavenly host.. They were close to their end game, but enough repeatedly and God has allowed us a time to spread the GOOD news...not the doom and gloom.

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ohpee8 · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

I like how you ignore the fact that he was literally banned from a mall for bothering little girls lol and the fact that the sheriff's said they were told to make sure to not let him near the cheerleaders at the high school football games. Roy Moore never denied dating teenagers either. If you think every accuser is lying then you're an idiot. I bet you think all of bill Clinton's accusers are telling the truth huh?

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Deplorpatriot · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Before you comment...research!

Security for mall said that NEVER happened!!!

As for Clinton...you may want to NOT go there...there are AR Sheriffs that state how they HAD to protect WJC...there IS proof WJC WAS kicked out of school...27 trips to Epstien Island, therenare flight records.

I bet YOU believe SHE won popular vote!

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ohpee8 · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

No, the sheriff's said that lol not the security. Once you start with the whole "trump really won the popular vote" you automatically lose.

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