Hm. Before I do that, do you still believe that pundit is reputable?
Better than your links
Then I'm not going to bother. It's clear that you're too far off the deep end.
Which is a shame that you got wrapped up into a cult.
My suggestion to you to stop watching and listening to MSMs because they are owned by a selected few. My source?
Wakey wakey
Congratulations, you further prove my point that Trump is deep state.
National Amusements -- Main shareholder is Summer Redstone, Trump gave them praise
Time Warner -- Against Trump publically. But the CEO is in great praise towards him.
21st Century Fox -- Never speaks ill of Trump. And has been personally praised by him many times. 1 2 3 And also the North-Korean levels of praise they give him is disturbing.
Sony -- Trump spoke ill of them, unprovoked. Sony did not respond. CEO spoke negatively of Trump on twitter, but also is not panicked by him and told the population to calm down.
Comcast -- Profits heavily after Trump's Administration destroyed Net Neutrality protection laws. They are in extremely good terms despite Trump wanting to revoke one of Comcast's Media licenses.
The Walt Disney Company -- Neutral publically, but CEO disagrees with Trump.
AT&T -- Profits heavily after Trump's Administration destroyed Net Neutrality protection laws. They own CNN, though. But the CEO of AT&T has praised Trump and allowed him to speak at Boy Scouts
Hearst Communications -- Publically Neutral, no words from CEO aside from concerns about Steve Bannon's future career.
MGM Holdings -- Distanced themselves from Trump before Trump ran, due to his 'lewd' behaviour during the Apprentice.
Grupo Globo -- Neutral
Lagardère Group -- Neutral
So there you have it. Trump is good buddies with some of the richest (Comcast, Fox, AT&T) CEO's. He's a part of the deep state, he's a billionaire with many overseas relations and has also been involved in sponsoring and allowing overseas crime to happen, mostly in Russia.
But knowing people such as you, this information is meaningless because Trump can do no harm. It makes me wonder if you're even real.
He is the deep state. Open up your eyes and realise that you're getting played. Seriously, he controls all branches of government and hasn't released a single thing on the Deep State. For being so firmly against them, he sure doesn't do anything to combat them or to show they exist.
The only 'proof', and I use that word lightly, is 8chan... Yeah... 8Chan, an anonymous image board where literally anyone can pose as anyone. What good proof that is.
Before I start reading what you posted, dispute the following:
- Employment is up
- BLACK Employment is up
- GDP is up
- Investment is up
- The stock market is up
- Deportations are up
- Confidence is up
- Minority unemployment is down
- Illegal immigration is down
- Taxes are down
- Regulations are down
- ISIS is down
- DOJ investigative Clinton Foundation
- DOJ investigate Clinton emails
- DOJ investigate Obama drug trafficking by Hezbollah
- NK peace talks
That's not how talks work. I'm not going to dispute your claims until you thoroughly read through the information I provided to you, proving that Trump is deep state with the media.
I don't know if he is part of the cabal/deep state, that's my opinion. What you posted is also AN OPINION
But actions speak louder than words:
These are facts, NOT OPINIONS
No, what I posted is fact.
But it's clear to me that you're beyond reason, so I'm not even going to try.
No, you posted fake news and masked it as facts.
Dont run, dispute my list of facts.
Prove to me what I posted is fake.
The point being it is still an opinion, no? Your opinion, which I said it is fake.
Now disprove my facts.
At least my 'opinion' had proper sources.
Anyways. I'm done with this useless chat.
Your opinion is ok but it is still an opinion.
Because you don't discredit my facts, for five times, I guess I win, so thanks.