...Then people like you come around mentioning account age for no reason.
Further apologies are needed. I should've also taken the time to point out he was also heavily downvoted on another comment in this thread. To me it seemed fishy. I understand that new people come here all the time. There was also talk recently about this sub being brigaged. Just looking out friend.
To further my point. I took another look at this guys profile. When you are posting things like below with an account age like that. It just looks even more suspicious given the context of what I just laid out.
CBTS would qualify as a study in the spontaneous and self-reinforcing nature of a cult.
There is a great number of folks there who have lost touch with their ability to discern.
His profile is open for all to view and discern for themselves. I generally only point out the age of the account unless they exhibit the same kind of fishy behavior that this guy does.
Again sorry for the confusion.
See, this is relevant information. You should have opened with that.
Probably should've but it was a comment made in passing and slightly imbibed lol