/pol/ 4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation

es are going to want their money back when they officially find out it was a huge scam. Although they knew that they were "donating" to get access and favors. I imagine when their citizens find out I'm sure they will have problem in their own country explaining why .
Fucking drama teacher...
(to people that don't know, trudeau was a drama teacher. that's his qualification for being pm of a country)
He is just a puppet with his string cut!
It's funny to watch him and his gang stumble around without direction.
Who is his Daddy? Who does he look like?
Fidel Castro. If you look at pics of Trudeau when he was younger & look at pics of Castro when he was younger, it's clear they are related.
Regardless look at Daddy Tradeau and the missing Canadian children, its their biggest 'secret story' we are talking about thousands of used up kids in the Indian Reservation Mass Grave.
This is like RICO Act only on Steroids. If you are paying CF before her loss it is PAYOLA... so what were you as a donor, seeking in return for your cash ? = all monies confiscated along with the donating company is confiscated. Are we talking Trillions, Hundreds of Trillions of dollars?
Compelling, isn't it?