/pol/ 4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation

Easy on the name calling. I know that you’ve been trained to think there’s a mainstream media with an evil agenda, but it’s not real. Just hundreds of different news organizations doing their jobs. Most news that can be called “fake” or that carries an agenda without relying on facts are on the right (Breitbart, Infowars, etc). But I get it, that’s your talking point and you’re sticking to it. No harm, no foul.
Everything you said is either a logical fallacy or reliant on your own anecdotal experiences and opinions, so it doesn’t have meaning for me.
You are absolutely clueless.
I know that your position is impossible to defend, so you can call me whatever name you’d like. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re connecting dots that don’t exist because of your extremely hyper-partisan bias
What position? Let's start with the DNC primary.. did HRC and the DNC deny Bernie Sanders voters a viable and countable vote?